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  1. http://z11.invisionfree.com/taew_fanclub
    5 points
  2. Katerine, Julie and Erika have kindly set up a forum for Kim Kimberly Voltemas at http://z13.invisionfree.com/kim_kimberly/index.php?
    5 points
  3. [CH7 New Generation] KRATIP, ICE, NAMWAAN & YING Fanclub: http://z6.invisionfree.com/k_i_n_y_fanclub ** Eng. Forum for my top 4 fav. new actresses for CH7! I'm still working on it.
    5 points
  4. this is a good forum which have variety of star updated photo, lakorns and movies and many more things!!!!! here is the link:Kiss ME? but you have to register as a member begore you can get acees to it.... anyway its free =)
    4 points
  5. Hi guys! I finally got a chance to put the store back up after trying to edit and all that junk. I'm now selling Chinese series as well. Some of them are... Mulan (1999) The Ching Emperor (1994) Thief of Honour (1991) The New Adventures of Chor Lau-Heung (1984) and MANY more! I will continue to update as much as possible when I have newer things. At the moment I'm still trying to put in more so stay tuned! Did I mention it's free shipping too? So check out my store and pass it around to friends and family! Click here to enter my shop "Asian Cinema"
    4 points
  6. Come join us if you Love Ken & Ann *hts* http://z15.invisionfree.com/KAFOREVER/index.php?act=idx
    4 points
  7. http://z11.invisionfree.com/LoveJanie
    4 points
  8. http://z4.invisionfree.com/FangClub :(
    4 points
  9. http://z10.invisionfree.com/NoonAonFanclub...hp?&CODE=00 Hope people come and join
    4 points
  10. http://wiki.sarnworld.com Sarnworld Wiki, come join us & help out =) Get info on Thai stars, singers, drama's, etc!
    4 points
  11. http://www.clubchom.com/ for those who adore Chompoo
    3 points
  12. Hey everyone! here is the new site, i just barely made of pinky & heres the forum that was here for quite a while http://www.geocities.com/pinkyfanclub forum: http://z9.invisionfree.com/pinkyfanclub/index.php?
    3 points
  13. I will post translated articles on gossip and everything (:
    3 points
  14. *fnny* *fnny* *fnny* *fnny* https://twitter.com/#!/SpicyForum our first message was to Poj. But whatever. *fnny*
    3 points
  15. Okay, so here's my second blog I created for Mak and Barry. So if you're a fan of either or both of them, come join the fun! PriNadechWorld
    3 points
  16. ^^ http://love-princhalida.findtalk.net/
    3 points
  17. http://z15.invisionfree.com/Bogie
    3 points
  18. Tugging at our heart strings are two hot fresh faces of Channel 3, Nadech and Yaya! We want to share our love for them be starting this English forum for them and about them. Cecilia has started this forum for ALL fans of Barry Brent Nadech Kukimiya and Yaya Urassaya Spurbend. I hope I spelled their names right. Introducing...Yarry... Yarry Nadech and Yaya!
    3 points
  19. here the link http://www.putter-fanclub.com/forums/
    3 points
  20. anyone order from this webbie before? its in pound so its very expensive lol how is quality, shipping and such?
    3 points
  21. http://jeabfansite.ipbfree.com
    3 points
  22. It's thai language for you who can read Thai ja Here
    3 points
  23. if you love music and love listening to different kinds of styles of music then this is the site for you ... all the people on this site are unsigned artists i think and all of em are uploading all of their own work and videos ... i highly recommend this site... it has some really good bands and singers on here ... it has everything from underground rock, pop, hip hop look thoong ... check it out ... http://www.pleng.com/main/home/index.php
    3 points
  24. yeah any of the converter. I dl and it won't never work. lol
    3 points
  25. In the name of the diehard fans...hehehe <_< MOS'S YOUTUBE CHANNELS News clips, recent interviews, MVs, fancams http://www.youtube.com/tpoppop Movies, lakorns, sitcoms, 3 Num 3 Mum Variety/Tonight http://www.youtube.com/fahjarodsai Rare interviews, rare MVs http://www.youtube.com/pattydarly (credit : pattydarly) Concert clips http://www.youtube.com/sunrapitapsom (credit : sunrapitapsom) TANG'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL News clips, recent & super rare interviews, MVs http://www.youtube.com/tangsaksitdotcom (credit : tangsaksit.com)
    3 points
  26. here's the new tv pool website...it's pretty cool...I think they still need to fix up somethings though TV Pool
    3 points
  27. http://s11.invisionfree.com/KenTheeradethfanclub/ this is my last one until i come back from thailand if i make one before july i give promision to shoot me
    3 points
  28. this is a forum for poo praiya's fans...the forum's been up for a while now...but they only have 66 members......so it'll be great to have more people join! here's the link: http://z9.invisionfree.com/Sexy_Poo_Praiya/index.php?
    3 points
  29. HI EVERYONE! I am advertising a forum for my lovely P'Nueng! This a forum for a group in Korea. They started off with 13 but 3 got eliminated. Right now there are only 10. Some of u may noe of a guy named Nichkhun? He's half Thai chinese and was born in LA. He is in this group. If you guys wanna know more you can join the forum. It's a friendly environment. CLICK ON PICTURE TO FORUM Before you judge you should watch some of their performances na. 1. everytime tha beat drop -monica feat. dem franchize boyz, Ice Box- Omarion, Yeah- Usher http://youtube.com/watch?v=m6mRTpP-_cw&feature=related 2. continued and then a ballad song http://youtube.com/watch?v=QoZ52XkmSAo 3. Gimme that & Sexy Back http://youtube.com/watch?v=rTF8f-yie6w&feature=related 4.MUST WATCH JAE BUM PERF. NICE & SLOW- USHER http://youtube.com/watch?v=ShAUwOqSV_k 5. khunnie. HURRICANE http://youtube.com/watch?v=QhrwNDKyD5c KHUNNIE'S PROJECTS 1. [CF] BSC Ice Shock - NichKhun http://youtube.com/watch?v=QGe22p400uw 2. [CF] Wall's Cornetto Royale - NichKhun http://youtube.com/watch?v=qCKETePI2ks PLEASE CHECK IT OUT IF YOU LIKE
    3 points
  30. Saosaosao made their mark 20 years back around the time of old "faen chun", with songs like "kok kok kok, perd pratoo" (knock knock knock, open the door please) and "dork mai haeng nam jai" (Tokyo Song Festival 2530). One of them, AMP has become a Superstar --- although she might have her ups-and-downs along "tarng dern haeng kwam ruk" (The Path of Love), one of her popular hits. Check here for the details: http://www.saosaosao.com/
    3 points
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