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shampoo last won the day on June 14 2023

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    people's mind

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  1. Happy Anniversary!!!! 17th!!! Almost as old as me. 😆

  2. Happy New Year. 

  3. LOL Came across Kob and Andrew's Look Mai Klai Ton. *muha*

  4. Trying to watch The Strand on Netflix. Is it any good?

  5. Came upon this old old lakorn. OMG Ning Kullastree was a Good actress


    1. Sunny


      Yea its too bad she quit so early, hope she's living well even with her illness now.

    2. Sreymao


      Haha.. I remember this. One of my favorite.  Yai ManKaew lol .pek so cute. 

    3. ladc


      My all time favorite lakorn! Still watch this lakorn there and then. I just adore Patson and Ning.

  6. Yup darv is going to have to keep fixing it. We have some updating to do
  7. Yep we are awared of it. It will keep going down and back or is being really slow
  8. Is Thai lakorn still popular or has it ever been popular? Anyone know how popular they are among people nowadays? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shampoo
    3. Sunny


      It seems now a days there are International people watching it more because its being Eng sub more. Its not popular to me anymore lol I've drifted.

    4. Kimix


      I think the popular era was the Kob/noon/aum era, (anything before that I wasn't born yet lol) the nadech/yaya era was just all hyped, nothing substantial lol but I still dig Mark very much so whenever his Lakorn is out, I'm hyped to tune in lol ? 

  9. Back to updating Sugar-Daily!! Don't forget to support us. HAHA

  10. shampoo

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    I cant see anythjng even after reply though
  11. shampoo

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    Can't see without replying whats in the hidden content? I don't see it
  12. Lmao @Song Jong Ki and Song Hye Kuo arguing where they first met.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tovsleeptov


      Lol at they arguing!! But me too busy with me new crush at the moment gg.

    3. honda


      These two were so cute in DOTS. Love Song Jong Ki!

    4. shampoo


      Hahha I was laughing so hard when he was like I was buying clothes for my mother. Is he sure? Haha

  13. So someone said to me they'd voted for Trump because he can make our economy better. So I ask, what if he doesn't? He answers with a shrug that basically he doesn't care. Trump is a better person than Clinton.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. ASH30


      He has said some stupid crap that can get other people drop out of a race...but then he was up against Clinton. Some Democrats think even a ham sandwich can beat Trump but somehow Hillary can't. Her foundation, email scandal and the DNC shady dealings was too much to overcome. I think, her email plays a big part why she lost.

    3. nina7


      It just pisses me off that someone would favor a reality tv star with absolutely no political experience who is discriminative towards everything under the sun, because he's not a "criminal" and doesn't hide emails. If people actually knew what were in those emails and read the wikileaks archive and did some research, and saw how not so problematic they were they would reconsider their assumptions. And honestly, emails over basic human rights? Seriously, it makes my blood boil...

    4. ASH30


      A lot of people were on the fence about Trump until the wee hours. I think, about 112,000 votes different that gave trump the presidency. If she didn't neglect the white working class she would have won. There's a state...not sure if it was WI or not that hasn't voted a Republican since the 80's and went to Trump. Hillary never even campaign there believing that it's hers since it never went red. She was so sure she would win, she took some.of these states for granted. Th...

  14. Anyone know or recommend what to do in Singapore and Hong Kong for fun? Lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mai


      Sunny, Shamp doesnt know want to know if youve been there and for how long, she wants recommendations lol

    3. Sunny


      I'll be there again in June for 4 days. If Shamp is going after June I can recommend some more haha.

    4. shampoo
  15. Can someone check if you can see sugar-daily.com blog fine?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thip


      shamp, are you redesignning the site bc I went to take a look and it looks all gray to me

    3. shampoo


      No, we're redesigning, it's all gray????

    4. Thip


      I went back to look, it looks fine now

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