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Everything posted by shampoo

  1. shampoo


    I do but when I have to do it, it's kind of "EH?" I'm just spamming today because I'm studying for an exam and I need something to kind of distract me so I can have motivation to study. weird me huh?
  2. shampoo


    :blink: hahah yeah if someone give me like a clip to translate, I'll do it but I won't find it myself. I kind of miss translating and doing sub.
  3. shampoo


    they have this split avi video, it only takes second to do it. When I used it to split those Korean hq video, it was very fast. lol But I don't do it anymore. I think if you want to put your logo on it, it's better to do it in virtualdub because they are fast then you just use a split program to split it.
  4. shampoo


    ho shoot! HD :blink: i love anything HD. lol make my life easier and I can see people so clear they shine. If you have good internet, it doens't take that long to upload. It usually take me only like 20 minute to upload a very high quality video.
  5. shampoo


    if it's a .flv file you don't have to convert it, right? you can just upload it. lol unless you have to put logo on it.
  6. shampoo


    lol i know right? thai stuff isn't even strict like Korean nor Japanese/
  7. oh wow hmm hopefully they have good quality. lol I'm not buying it but maybe for the future. Thanks.
  8. tell us how the quality is?
  9. yeah I haven't experienced it either.
  10. LOL yeah but I don't do much anyway.. plus it's not a big forum. HAHAHA
  11. Hi promoting my friends and our fanfic forum. I'm helping her with the forum. Something to pass time. This fanfic forum varies from ghosts story to general fanfics. Try visiting if you have any ghost stories to shared or interest in reading ghost stories and is a fanatic fanfic readers. LhornClub
  12. shampoo


    LOL WTF... I thought they can't just randomly flag if it does not contain that specific reason? O:
  13. competing with yourself. lol just ignored those Sunny.
  14. *rll* well if you have goodies and you're the uploader of spicyIII they'll follow you. lol
  15. lmaooo I think so. lol The more famous the more haters. lol hahah I think reading comments are fun too. lol
  16. hahah haha Sunny lol smart move. lol You're still so motivating on uploading thai lakorn to youtube. lol
  17. shampoo


    yeahh I just saw that. are they going to ever fix it? lol
  18. shampoo


    it usually says error but it will eventually work anyway?
  19. shampoo


    lol the new layout is kind of confusing. you have to get use to it.
  20. I wish we can start spamming again but man our spamming are not even on Daras. We GO OFF TOPIC!
  21. What the heck. This thread went three pages. yaaaah Mai and I were too lazy. lol You have to be dedicated.
  22. aaah I know what you're expecting. Good luck!
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