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Everything posted by shampoo

  1. Hahah Knetizen... Friends today and foes tomorrow. Jun Ji Hyun and Kim Soo Hyun... What have you done.

  2. Oppar didn't mean it. Hahahahahahahahahaha

    1. Kizukami


      hahahhahahhaha hahahha everything oppa does is right, others are just antis

  3. Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into it. There are some like Rak. Jakarta that has been started since 3-4 years ago and just recently said will be produce too. But act art is busy production so don't know when. But some might be too long to be making. We usually don't delete thread but will be moving to stock or unconfirmed forum for the time being
  4. The Cubic writer said they concluded, they will not be doing Cubic finale as lakorn ahahah why do the production even have a problem working along with the writer who writes the book?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NinjaKKN


      I think they should work with the author. It's her masterpiece, of course she wants the best for it. I don't think asking to be a part of the writing process is too much to ask.

    3. shampoo


      I think they only bought the first half? Ahah

    4. Kimix


      yea, unless they change bomb there is no point for a finale LOL. ahahha.

  5. Man WGM fans are delusional. Are they always?lol

    1. Kizukami


      when are they not delusional? LOL I used to be one of them, I got the ideas LOOL

    2. Sunny


      I loved the Adam couple but I still knew deep down they just not it, but on the show, they are it! if you know what I mean lol.

    3. shampoo


      I find the show as something like a drama of some sort. Not some reality tv show. It's just so fake. There is the fans that's delusional. Then there is the fans that can't accept the bias being in the show. Lmao "like he's off my list cuz he's in WGM"

  6. Oh wow Wooyoung and Seyoung have more chemistry outside of WGM than in WGM show. Lol kind of surprised. Kekek

    1. TinuBell


      I'm only on season 4,with Kwanghee

    2. Mai


      lol at the kekee

  7. Came across Moon Guen Young's drama and WTF did she do to her face? Sooo totally different from her drama before 2012. She's not even fat and to fuly in her two recent drama was so startling. Totally a different person that I have to recheck twice if it's the same girl.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NinjaKKN


      It's a pity when people come out of PS looking worse than before. I can't even watch Lee anymore. Her face is so frozen. She's no longer a good actress. She seemed to have lost the ability to move all her facial muscles. She's so expressionless, same face for every emotion. Lol

    3. shampoo


      Yeah it looks like that for those actress come out looking for the worst lol

    4. Mai


      Song too. She used to be beautiful during Full House. Now her face is so off

  8. Laugh so hard when Brad Pitt was catering pizza at the oscars

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. m3lhouse


      The show was kinda a disappointment coz ellen was boring. But the pizza and the selfie made history. And also so happy for brad to finally get an Oscar.

    3. shampoo


      I like this year and Ellen is funny.

    4. NinjaKKN


      I like it. Ellen was funny without being offensive. That selfie picture made twitter history, 2 millions retweets. Lol

  9. Korea is going to remake their own version of Nodame Cantabile. That Joo Won guy is ugly though and he's rumor or half confirm to play Chiaki. Seriously? I love this Nodame Cantabile (manga and live-action) with all the exaggeration. Lol

    1. NinjaKKN


      555 I love the Japanese version.

  10. Okay, these Thai people that can read Thai, please do not accuse people of using google or MT (whatever that is) translation. She thinks she can translate for me, when her translations are off. So, who is the one that does not know how to translate? Don't brag when you suck. Hahah

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shampoo


      Bomb's Thai fans. Lol they also make up things with their translations too. Hahah a

    3. NinjaKKN


      Lol I don't know what MT is either.

    4. shampoo


      Lol she's probably using google and MT translation to translate her part ahahah

  11. So Om and Kwan finally have news but that Om is the third hand. Will it be that Kwan will take everyone's trash as a treasure?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. shampoo


      55555 maybe it's inot hot enough news being a third hand to a girl he has two lakorn with back to back.

    3. aikoden


      LOL at Om's view compared to Kwan's hehe..

    4. Mai


      Kwan's article is at like 67k views now and Om is at 8k lol

  12. We're not forcing people to comment, we're just asking for activity. But we're doing a clean up regardless.
  13. NOTICE! If anyone has not read the attention announcement thread. Spicy is going to delete inactive members

  14. Hi members, This is a notice that Spicy will begin to mass delete members that are inactive. It is time for clean up. If you still want to be a member of Spicy, then we suggest that you start getting active. ~ Spicy Staffs
  15. Is anyone having trouble accessing Spicy?

    1. Thip


      its working fine for me

    2. Maiko


      Er, two days ago, but no problems lately, Shamp. :o And oh, wow! You finally changed your display photo! =O Miss your old one, but the new one is nice as well. :D

    3. Mai


      lol it's the same for me. I dont know why you're seeing changes. I couldnt access it all yesterday on wi-fi. I could only see when I'm logged onto my phone through cellular

  16. Oh thank goodness WGM with Wooyoung and Se Young is getting better. The first two eps were soooooo awkward I was cringing. Wooyoung is turning this into a comedy show. Lol

  17. Sad. Another Aum's dog passes away. She's 23 years old.

    1. NinjaKKN


      RIP dog. I'm sure it lived a full and happy life.

    2. Thip


      wow thats a long time for a dog

  18. OMFG OMFG I just watch that Master's Sun and Heirs parody. Wooyoung play that role to the T. Ahahàhahahahh ahahàhahahahh OMG especially that hand movement. Toooooo hilar

    1. Kizukami


      oh Wooyoung is gonna be on We Got Married soon

    2. shampoo


      EWWWW ahhahahahahaahh I just found out awhile ago. That show is seriously unpopular now. He rejected that show 2010 they probably went begging him to do it. I know that kid detest it. Hahaha

  19. Recommendation of ancient Chinese series with happy ending? Ahahha I want a good one with at least decent looking cast. Lmao

    1. NinjaKKN


      If you haven't watch it, Jade Palace Lock Heart has a happy ending.

    2. shampoo


      Oh i think I peak into that one, didnt like love triangle.

    3. teptida


      heaven's retribution! it's my BST chinese serie lol

  20. Scary to think that I gain 20 to 30 pounds lmao

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shampoo


      Lol I didn't have freshmen 15 lol. But it's easier to gain weight now.

    3. Mai


      really? it was over a long time span wasn't it?

    4. shampoo


      Yep. But still scary lol

  21. James Ji and Nui Sujira is going to have a commercial together. So, was the situation back then a public stunt?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shampoo


      Yeah that's why they said it was a publicity stunt.

    3. NinjaKKN


      Publicity stunts are so common these days, the more you're in the news, the more well known you are. Baifern is probably the best when it comes to publicity stunt. 555

    4. NinjaKKN


      Oops I meant Baitoey. Lol

  22. Thanks for he overhaul update ahah
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