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Everything posted by shampoo

  1. But are we subbing any lakorn at this moment? NOPE. We can't finished any lakorn because the lakorn doesn't even help us. *lol!* But we'll do future movies and talk show. lol
  2. yeah try. On my brother's computer, they have a lot of username to log in to their own side of the window. One person cannot used internet explorer and the other. lol Weird.
  3. there is internet explorer, mozilla firefox. lol That's all I know.
  4. dude, I feel so bad for you. Maybe you should try like a different browser or something.
  5. oh add that.lol I'm not going to change since I have lots of video upload on it. lol I just used that name because I thought I never going to upload anything but at the end I did and I just kind of want to change my username. lol But it's okay. haha
  6. It's not that scary they said. lol yeah we should sub that movie. GOOD one. I would love to do it.heheh Anything Oil and Aum. hahaha oh look I'm going to add SPicysub to my youtube friend. lol how weird, I want to change my username since I randomly just put Patchrapa. I don't want that name anymore it's too umm Patchrapa. lol
  7. heheh yup. It's been so long we have nothing on. It's so funny. We planned to sub this and that but ended up not doing it. I'm sure the WWYWY is not a problem since it's a fun show. lol
  8. <_< okay dear. lol Oil's fanclub already upload them? I haven't seen yet. Have not check the board this morning. lol
  9. huh? okay. lol But I decided to just use your IPTV variety version. lol But Aiyaja said she might go rent the DVD so let me see until she pm back. <_<
  10. ummm the teaser doesn't even looks good. lol Hey, Noiki when Aiyaja and I finished with the WWYWY subbed, we can hand the video to you to upload. lol oooo
  11. lol your computer is weird. Maybe the connection keeps dying? But you're saying it's not your network either.mm Don't know. If you use DSL, it sometimes disconnect and will connect again. Like for my sister's lap top, sometimes you can't even go check your email.
  12. Information technology or do you want to study in Website design? LOL You're good at website designing, it won't be a problem to minor in that. lol
  13. gosh no wonder you want to study on technology huh? *lol!* Thanks for the program.
  14. I haven't used it for ever since two weeks ago. lol Two weeks ago I was playing subbing MKKM with Window Movie Maker and it's fine for me as well.
  15. We have a computer that is compaq too. NOw it's dead sitting in the living room.
  16. Poor May. Hope you can fix it na.
  17. shampoo


    we don't used iptv for quite awhile now. plus with bbtvthai is like a family network, as many people can log on at the same time. lol is your expiring soon?
  18. shampoo


    there is www.bbtvthai.com and obizgo. bbtvthai's update is slower and l've never try watching live before but there is live for all channel.
  19. hahah just noticed you answer my Guessing game. whoohoo you got it right. muhahaha easy huh?

  20. hahah Since Natty didn't come back to say hi ^^ I'll say Hi Natty instead. hahah

  21. iya!! I understand.

  22. I mean bad mood*

  23. hahaaha okiesssssss dude but yeah only 4 days in BKK? Wow but anyway I was in a bad last night. *sigh*

  24. hahah you might be in trouble since Mai visited you. LMAO Hey! Thanks for commenting me. hehehe So I tagged you back.

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