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Everything posted by shampoo

  1. hahah Natty denying. lol

    eekk quite scary.

  2. heck yeah, and I got a new visitor. I'm innocent na.

  3. lol Sunny you can still read it, just go to your comment section. Everything comment will be there.

  4. shampoo

    DVD Ripper

    Look Sunny your link was removed because it has violate mediafire used of policy.
  5. Dang, Noiki look at these people visiting you but not leaving a comment. Fine, I'll be the first. pssh.

  6. hahah yeah Mai, it makes me wonder WHY!? hahah

    Cecilia, go to where it said, Topic, Post,

    Comment and so on. Click on Comment and you can see the rest of people's comment to you. lol You can see my older comment cuz I set mine to 10 comments. lol

  7. hahahah Natty, tsk tsk is just another spammer. That's why we're told not to. muhahaha

    Yeah I better watch out, lol

  8. hahaha yeah we're trading lakorns. lol

  9. eeeeeeekkk I was going to visit this morning. hmph So now I'm second. lol You'll be more famous soon, Natty. hahha They just not visiting you, yet.

  10. whoohoo hey I visited you. muahaha

  11. Rolling on the floor laughing. LMAo, never mind, how would Sunny send something when she didn't even know my addy? muahahh Now that's just too funny. lol Anyway take your time Sunny, cuz I haven't even started your yet. Gosh, I think it will take a while, I'll send an extra series for your birthday. hahahah A chinese series.

  12. I didn't received anything either or Sunny didn't send it yet? LOL

  13. hahha it's only Sunny, Mai and Cecilia then you. LMAO

  14. Anyway, Hi Linna. LMAo New forums and new stuff. Exciting so I'm visiting everybody. muhahah

  15. yes seeing members viewing out page is scary. eeeeeee But I have nothing to hide, so I'm not scared, *whistle*

  16. My first visitor is quite something though. I was surprised. Muahahha

  17. Hey, look you're so famous, you got lots of visitor. haha Rolling on the floor laughing.

  18. TSK, dude, too bad you're coming home a bit earlier. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!You're going to miss Aum at Central World on July 14. That's sad.

  19. Hey, I got a lot of visitor Today. How come? LMAO

  20. awww Cecilia has already got her's? Are you serious? :( But anyway, do I think so, we don't need hi5 anymore cuz Spicy has everything. But umm we need to be a little bit private. Cuz, this is too open, every member can see. LMAo

  21. hey we can comment on our own profile? LMAO I didn't know. hahah yeah I visited you awww don't think you're bored. lol

    Can we write blogs here? I don't think so. Can we? This is like Soompi, dude.

  22. hahaha I feel like visiting people's profile.

  23. shampoo

    Disc Space

    oh okay Thanks. We usually did it VCD to VCD. lol So I don't need to worry about back up files. lol
  24. shampoo

    Disc Space

    What? If we copy a VCD to another VCD, it has a back up on to c drive? I never knew that. lol We usually used Nero Express to copy a disc then burn it. So does that make a back up file?
  25. ai new server huh? LOL Sames cool
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