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Everything posted by shampoo

  1. don't know when it will be open. maybe in another year. lol Just kidding kidding. We'll ask Mai.
  2. yeah the old forum was much slower.
  3. It's weird that I don't experienced any difficulty with this new forum. it's not slow right now though.. maybe it's just china.
  4. being on the computer is a pain.... it make me have back pain. I wish I could afford IPAD There seems to be problem, hopefully it's not much of a hassel
  5. LOOOOL yes, she will!

  6. I'm glad we could have many choices now.
  7. lol goodness it even sent me a message notifying me hahaha

  8. That is such a pretty color. LOL never knew such a name exist. Basically, I don't even know all my color.
  9. Sunny meant Prevent OMG the murlberry is such a pretty color... let's use that for Nadech and Yay *^lol* Can we? can we?
  10. Snow, maybe you should update your IE?
  11. IE is always slower. My IE is just updated too. I use google chrome.
  12. I'll let Darv know. wait, but my IE is working correctly?
  13. yeah, I thought she said how she just uploaded those color. Maybe, we should look for more color so we have variety.
  14. anyway, couldn't we get more color? the colors are so limited but there are so many colors out there.
  15. There is sapphire, pink and cherry and magenta?
  16. holy cow, what happen to the skin you made sunny? LOL Darv said the forum is slowly rebuilding, so everything should work fine in a few hour. We could have offline the forum but it's only a couple of hour?
  17. yeah exactly. but now we do if you updates your stars forum.
  18. I thought Aom have a different color? we don't even color Tik's.
  19. old man disappeared. watch, he's just playing game.
  20. I thought it was just my internet.. lol well it is my internet but Spicy is like that. I don't know.
  21. lol we always closed registration whenever we banned a whole bunch of people, so people couldn't sign up.
  22. shampoo


    hmm maybe saved the link and open the link on your folder... maybe it might let you save.
  23. shampoo


    you need a gmail and then login using your gmail
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