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Everything posted by shampoo

  1. shampoo


    yeah it's just like when you can only upload 10 minute but it just can't suprass 11minute. hmm not sure if you can up to 20minute though... some people could upload up to 2 hours! I don't know how that happens... but I was watching some Bollywood and it has the whole movies up. I think they got the right to upload from youtube.
  2. shampoo


    the limit now has been 15 minutes for a while now. lol you just know??? lol
  3. I think Facebook is better. Twitter is not quite convenient when the twitter and followers are in different countries cuz sometimes the telecom companies don't support twitters from certain countries. But Facebook got another problem, some countries, like China, totally ban it... so good to live in a free country
  4. who uses twitter? does it make it easier if Spicy have twitters? to keep up with what updates we have in the forum?
  5. :blink: woohoo I want to say thanks to the people who contribute to the forum. I love how we contribute something to the forum. lol Make it seems livelier. I will continue to translate and spam Lakorn sub will have to wait. I don't know which one I want to do. lOL
  6. just google it lol yeah it's free
  7. yeah you can send it to me. :( I can help edit ja. AHAH
  8. there is really lack of news in the thai entertainment. hahah
  9. "you're adorable/cute. you're cheerful/fresh/happy." I think those would be the choice lol AHHAHA I think I would go with cheerful because when they talk about someone who is sode sai, I just think of someone who is always smiling and happy. A optimistic person. Dal, subbing will be a side job. Our main goal is just to spam. lol
  10. I will ja.. This is Aum's lakorn, right? LOL But I will be busy today so tonight or tomorrow. oh and yes TD, it's kind of hard to translate lyrics because direct translation sounds kind of wierd... guess have to use idiom? HAHAH But I usually just literally translate as the sing. whatever. LOL But woohoo I want to see how it looks like ja.
  11. wow i don't even follow celebrities. I'm too cool for them. LMFAO kidding ja. lmao you werent kiddingl yeah I'm half serious lol but really, I don't follow celebrities on twitter... if I'm going to read something on them then I'll just go to their twitter but not like FOLLOW them. If you know how twitter work. lol
  12. wow i don't even follow celebrities. I'm too cool for them. LMFAO kidding ja.
  13. congrat ja. what did you sub?
  14. anyways, since I don't really go out to find the news myself... so if you see anything you want me translate, just PM me. I'll do it when I am able to get on. Thanks guy. LOL I know last time when I put that requested translation thread up, I didn't work on it much. But I'll try to this time. ROFL Since I'm feeling like I have to improve my Thai as well now. Start lacking on it after not using it. LOL
  15. not time ja. just encoding. lol ALSO, I don't know what kind of news interest you guys??? lol I only translate popular stars and mostly Ch7. AHAHA but I'll try to translate Ch3 too.
  16. keke Thanks for the suggestions ladies. I'll talk to Mai about the editing limit. lol Oh and subbing of course would bring in more traffic. I'll install the program again. if we can't hardsubbed it, Noiki can do it for us, hopefully. I'm offering her without her consent. I'll do as snow_scorpio suggest too ja. Put up a clip news and summarize what is being said. lol
  17. Hey, I know the forum have been slowing for a year or so now on news translation and etc. I just want some input on what should we as admins need to do to live things up? What are the old members thinking about SPICY now? What about the new members? Lol I don't know. I need some suggestions regarding translation news, summary of lakorns, or whatever. What do you guys come here for? I just want to hear opinions. Thanks so much for some of the members contributing to the forum. :(
  18. :blink: to be a membership at that website cost 75?! WTF Girl, you need to get it back.. yeah like Tina said, talk with your bank if you're using credit card.
  19. they probably came back to scam more money. OTL maybe email or something.
  20. shampoo


    yeah and people probably wont sign up for them anymore. poor them.
  21. shampoo


    wahahha really? wow I feel bad for them. O: I mean even though it was not right at the first place. or they only get sued for the DVD they were selling? not close the website, right?
  22. shampoo


    lmao that's hilarious. this is why I always do bad in exam. lol you lucky you're out. keke
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