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Grace last won the day on July 22 2013

Grace had the most liked content!

About Grace

  • Birthday 04/28/1995

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Elite Member (7/12)



  1. Updates: Umm, yeah layout, pics, credits to P'Nat (:
  2. Open the forum? It's open, isn't it? LOL... I tried to click register while not signing in and it works just fine. What do you mean by open the forum lor ka?
  3. s3.invisionfree.com/mtu_club/ Well yeah I was somewhat bored and decided to create this forum. It includes: Aimee, Charm, Kwang, Gaem, and Kaimook
  4. LOL not me ka. Works fine for me
  5. Fun but very cold ka. Nope 'cause I'm too lazy haha.
  6. I'm not sure...I've been quite busy since school started aa ka. But if it has I'll create another one about the same things (:
  7. Yep...we went to Harbin (the place with the ice&snow sculptures). It was like -24ºC.
  8. Welcomes. Umm, sorry I haven't been updating and coming online AT ALL. Stupid Shanghai...boring. Nothing to do there.
  9. LOL you can take those articles and post her if you want na ka, you don't have to credit if you're posting at spicy
  10. Welcome ka. I have free time, it's winter break (1 month) so I'll be updating regularly.
  11. I will post translated articles on gossip and everything (:
  12. Credits: P'Thip for creating the site, Me for the graphics&layout, And the members for helping us make SVC active. z13.invisionfree.com/son_view_club Other information: If you don't know who "Son&View" are, they are the pranangs of CH5 lakorn airing right now Kaew Lom Petch.
  13. P'Mannie!!! You finally told the world!!! LMAO... I love it :]
  14. I donno, P'Nang's trying to figure it out though...I think
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