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Everything posted by tEaRdRoP

  1. Oh....so WM Recorder 14 works now? aheehh...Imma go get that now. thanks for the update na ja Paula.
  2. YEah...I tried Camtasia but didn't like the way it came out. Still looking to see if there are any other program. I really dun care about recording the lakorns but it's the talk show and movies I record.....argghhh so mad. I dunno if I wanna continue with Dootv now...lol
  3. Yeah...I read that too...but danngit I dun wanna buy anymore stuff. Been looking for freeware ahaha...
  4. I've been looking around too...well only for an hr so far now ahaha...Man, if you can't find anything, seems like we're doomed since you're usually updated with stuff like this Tina
  5. So how will we be able to record these new stuff played on the new flash player?
  6. Yup...that's why I hesitated to get it. I dunno what's the difference between the two site.
  7. yeah...I googled it and it gave me Dootv.com and Dootv.org. so i was wondering what's the difference between the two. Thanks for the tip mai. I'll join dootv.com then ehehe
  8. Ok folks, I wanna sign up for dootv.tv but need some answers and dun feel like going back to read all previous comments. So those that have it, I NEED U. lol. Anywho, is there a difference b/w dootv.com and dootv.org. Will I be able to use both when I get a membership? Is the quality for everything good, like movies and variety shows cuz that's mainly the reason I'm signing up for. Lakorns, I can always steal the Dvds at the store LOL. Also, can you still record with WM 9 or 10, i dunno which version I have but its one or the other . Thanks in advance!
  9. Ok, I checked the date on the latest epi I have on The Trainer and ish epi #27 on 5/30/2009. So if you could get me that episode (just in case it's slightly different from thaitv) and so forth til the last episode that will be great...thanks na ja!
  10. Lots ahaha...but mostly dvd files tho. U know you should browse the request section here and at Sarnworld and load stuff pple are asking for ehehe...That'll draw pple over to download. Welp my dear...I better get some ZZZzz or else I'll be doing it at work on my desk. ahahah NITE NITE! NIte everybody!
  11. I know...SOmetimez i would drive home just to use the bathroom ahahaah.... So what else you gonna be uploading? U need help..you know just trying to help my sista out ehehheeheh
  12. A gooooooooooooooood 10 minute drive. LOLS I gotta drop off my sis at her community service thangy by 6
  13. OH...ok, that's what I thought it was ahaha...but I wasn't sure. I thought it was something else. I remember one of my friend telling me about it. Edit: yeah ish fun when we're all just spamming ahah...but Imma go to bed at 12. Gotta get up 530 tomorrow morning.
  14. Yeah...them good old days... but I guess everybody's stress with skool and daily life.
  15. You gotta tell me what going on with your blogg thingy...let me in on it na. Totally clueless Edit: ish just me diamend with our spamming again shamp lols
  16. I know...just saying. But my sis and her hubby is planning to go visit YaYa Ying and her momma. I dunno how they became friends but I guess they are ahahaha...Just last month or so, she told me that MaeNoy called her. Anyways, they're planning on a second honeymoon there.
  17. Me too...I wanna go to anything in Thailand ahaha...even a mini concert will do. I just need to get away from here!
  18. ahaha...Oh well that's how it is when you're surrounded by nothing but powerful singers. Hrmmm now I wanna see it cuz the PraEak dies lol.
  19. I know...his voice is pretty mono. I hope someone will post up a live cam of the musical on youtube since they ain't gonna release it.
  20. Nope, not yet....just pix. Edit: just noticed I posted at 9:11 ehehe...Anyways, I just watched the trailer, looks romantically sad na.
  21. YEah...ahaha...I'm getting my shows on dvds again ahahaha...I love connections.
  22. The only reason i would consider Dootv is prolly cuz of the movies and the variety shows that's about it. I dun really care for the lakorns cuz I normally get them on dvds. But I've got another source for my dvd variety show for now eheheh...
  23. Na...I've been doing fine without it. I dun wanna waste my money since I don't log on as much anyways. Even with Thaitv, I would log on maybe 2-3 times a month cuz I always wait for my stuff on dvds anyways. ehehe...
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