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Sunyah last won the day on July 3 2019

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  1. Anyone hear the news? Liu Yifei aka Crystal Liu is playing Disney's Live Action Mulan. 

    1. Sreymao


      I wonder ,who will they cast to play shang now?  Asian actress.   Yes ,sorry  Scarlett ???

    2. shampoo


      Lol is the male Asian too?

    3. Sunyah


      @shampoo I'm not to sure about who going to play the male lead if they going to choose Asian male lead or white male lead hear that there might be whitewash in the storyline? *Y*

  2. These are finish airing please movie: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21003-ch3-the-cupid-series-part-5-sorn-ruk-kammathep-broadcast-thai-television/?page=1 http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/16842-ch7-soe-sanaeha-didavdo/?page=1 http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21500-ch8-game-payabaht/?page=1 These are on air already please pin them: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20998-ch7-maya-polyplus/?page=1 http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21200-ch3-cupid-series-6-kammathep-sorn-kol-broadcast-thai/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21751-gmm25-home-stay-series/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/16269-ch7-ruean-payom-pasang-yasorn/?page=1
  3. Please move these thread they finish airing: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/11667-ch7-nam-sor-sai-daravdo/?page=1 http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21129-onehd-cheewit-puer-kah-huajai-puer-tur-exact-scenario/?page=1 http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21113-onehd-tae-pang-korn-exact-scenario/?page=1 Please pin On air: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20462-onehd-game-maya-magic-if-exact-scenario/?page=1
  4. Can the admin pin and move these lakorn: Finish airing: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21199-ch3-cupid-series-4-loob-kom-kammathep-broadcast-thai/ Airing on May 19, 2017 : http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21003-ch3-the-cupid-series-part-5-sorn-ruk-kammathep-broadcast-thai-television/?page=1 Please fix this thread topic. Add channel and company name on it [CH3] (Jun 25) http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21884-khamseetundorn/ Thank you.
  5. Finish: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20906-ch3-the-cupid-series-kammathep-ork-suek/ On air: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20907-ch3-the-cupid-series-3-kammathep-online-broadcast-thai-television/ Please fit this thread by adding these to the topic thread: Channle: (ONEHD) Name: Kangsom Tanatat, Noona Neungthida, Ben Raviyanun, Due Arisara, Ice Sarunyu http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21861-saeb-sanaeha/ Thank you.
  6. Can the Admins please pin these lakorn it air already. Thank you. http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20906-ch3-the-cupid-series-kammathep-ork-suek/?page=2&_fromLogin=1 http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21129-onehd-cheewit-puer-kah-huajai-puer-tur-exact-scenario/?page=1 Theses are Finish airing: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20905-ch3-the-cupid-series-kammathep-hunsa/?page=1 http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21266-onehd-ching-ruk-rissaya-remind-exact-scenario/?page=1 http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21791-ch8-rabum-fai/?page=1 http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20748-onehd-rachinee-mor-lum-๙-saen-studio-exact-scenario/?page=1
  7. Please pin and move some of these lakorn: On air: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20342-ch3-kluen-cheevit-lakorn-thai/?page=1 http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20703-ch3-barp-ruk-talay-fun-quiz-quest/?page=1 Finish airing: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/19201-ch3-jao-jom-step-onward/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20607-ch3-kon-la-kaub-fa-maker-k/?page=1
  8. Please merge these two thread http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/18127-ch3-unknown/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21419-ch3-kom-faek-metha-lae-mahaniyom/?page=1 on air : http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20853-ch3-mae-khong-paendin-series-roy-pah-wai-duay-ruk-good-feeling/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/19201-ch3-jao-jom-step-onward/
  9. Is it just me or any one having trouble with spicy form. I can't see spicy on my computer but on my kindle I can see spicy.

    1. Thip


      In the past couple of days the site didnt work but its working fine on my PC now

    2. Sunny


      My anti-virus program is saying Spicy is a threat again *sigh*

    3. Sunyah


      Well this morning I saw the site but when I try to log in the page went blink like the past few days now. I can only log into site if I'm using my kindle.

  10. Saw some news of Pancake at Broadcastthai company. Is she going to have a lakorn for CH3?

    1. Thip


      its a special project documenting/filming the autobiography of this one monk. It will be broadcasted in China since the director is Chinese and Golf and Pan are the main characters. Broadcast is the co-production

  11. First snow fall today. :)

    1. honda


      Please keep it there lol I hate driving in snow.

  12. Rumors are going around saying Jennifer Lawrence & Zac Efron are play the live action of "Mulan" as Mulan & Li Shang from Disney version.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nina7


      wtheck, appropriating asian roles and white washing at its finest yet again. even though zac is my boo but come on hollywood *eyeroll*

    3. Sunyah


      I just hope those are just rumors are fault. Disney better listen to the people and cast Asian actors and not "white washing" Mulan. If they do there will be an angry mobs going after them. lol

    4. shampoo


      Hahahah they could do it, just make it an American history setting but the same story line lmao

  13. Update: On air already: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/18202-ch3-buang-athithan-wave-media/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21124-3sd-marn-dok-ngiew-who-who/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21445-onehd-sode-story/ Airing tomorrow: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20585-onehd-ngao-asoke-exact-scenario/ Finish airing please move: http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21163-ch7-kamin-kub-poon-pordeecom/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21484-true4u-true-love-story/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20780-3sd-naree-rissaya-who-who/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/19713-ch7-jao-bao-glua-fon-gibson-and-karn/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20106-ch3-kong-krapan-naree-broadcast-thai-television/
  14. Anyone know is Esther and Ken Phupoom a couple or are they just friends? I've been seeing fans posting pix of these two at pantip a few weeks now.

    1. Thip


      I wonder about that too lol

    2. Noydarny80


      From his interview sound they are talking together and had to be serious for him to follow her Koh Smith.

  15. Can admin pin this lakorn. It air today already. http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/20241-ch3-nang-tard-tv-scene/ Also can the admin fit this title. Its call "7 Wun Jorng Wen 3" http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/21410-workpoint-7%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%88%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%87%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%8B%E0%B8%B5%E0%B8%8B%E0%B8%B1%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%99-3-talent-1-movie-studio/ Thank you.
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