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nina7 last won the day on November 18 2016

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About nina7

  • Birthday 04/16/1995

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  1. Man, Orlando, FL can't catch a break! With the mass shooting of the nightclub and the shooting with Christina Grimmie, to the 2 yr old at Disney World being snatched by an alligator and now missing. RIP :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tovsleeptov


      R.I.P. Esp that little boy :(

    3. Noydarny80


      Ofiicials said the boy died of drowning not of Gator's bite. I wonder what the father and the kid were doing in the dark.

    4. tovsleeptov


      They says the family was on vacation, and wading in a lake. The father tired to rescue his son but unsuccessful. I read a comment said, the parents allowed the boy play at the water edge while they relax close by. O_O! Wow I don't want to believe that. The parent should hold his hand or stay close to the boy where they can reach him. Well I'm sorry for their lost. How the dad must feel when he saw his own son sweeping away with his own eyes :(

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