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aikoden last won the day on July 3 2016

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About aikoden

  • Birthday 08/28/1992

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    The Golden State
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  1. Will be seeing P'Weir tonight~~~ XD

    1. Thip


      have fun! Hug him for me huhu

  2. After worrying and stressing myself wondering if I really passed my class, I did. Officially no longer an undergrad, C/O 2016 :D Now I just need to get into grad school.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. awesomedua



    3. tipstar


      Congratulations, Julie!!

    4. aikoden


      Late as heck but thanks everyone <3

  3. I hope I'm posting in the right place. I'm just curious about the SugarDaily blog... I'm seeing alot of links at the bottom... and I don't think it's normal. Maybe it's just some coding errors? It takes up life half the scrolling page for me... This is what I see... and it goes all the way to the bottom.
  4. Hello, hello, hello. Hope all is well on Spicy :)

    1. Mai


      hey Aiko! Long time no see! Missing you!

    2. Maiko


      @Aikoden: Aw, happy to hear from you again, Julie. <3 Hope you're doing well and fine, dearie! Good luck with school. :)

    3. Sunny


      Hope you've been well Aikoden, you were on my IG last week? hehe

  5. Eek, thank goodness I'm back from my hiatus hehe.. I'll try to be active-ish again.
  6. hello hello :) Happy New Year to Spicy! Hope everyone is doing well :)

    1. Maiko


      Hope you are as well, Julie dear! x) Good luck with your studies! :')

  7. First Aum A & Aum P's dogs past away.. now KZ artist KnomJean lost hers too. :( Seeing their pictures are always saddening. May their beloved dogs rest in peace.

    1. Lalita


      It's so sad, I have dogs too, so it's heartbreaking to hear about it

  8. If only Sony Vegas had that option.. *shakeshead* But if they did, I bet they'd sell it even pricier! So I guess it's both a good and bad thing? I'm debating if I want to get this program or NCH's VideoPad Editor. I sort of like both I've been using the videopad editor to encode some of my timed subs. VDUB, it just doesn't like me... unless I'm doing something wrong each time? hehe.. but yeah, I will debating on the two. I just love how this program is like everything all in one.
  9. ^ Thanks Aiyaja.. I guess I shouldn't work with flv files then. And I apologize about the srt file.. it might've messed up when i converted from ssa to srt. (I didn't check hehe..) but yes, it was just for a demo. So, I guess the video quality does matter. Drats, but oh well :3 As for Sony Vegas, I have that program (cr@ck3d) *coughcough* but I don't use it to sub because... you can't import the srt or ssa files into it.. so you have to manually go in and add.. I like to work with subtitle workshop and then import the files.. Thanks again Aiyaja, I sort of like the program.. I might buy it too.. one day Oh yes, and do delete the mv.. I do not want you to get a strike! I got one awhile back for uploading the mv with subs
  10. ^ LOL.. oh my bad Aiyaja!!! I thought those links still worked... I'll reupload them in MF :3 Here you go flv - http://www.mediafire.com/watch/ib20bfuly8szx79/Retrospect.flv srt - http://www.mediafire.com/download/5yem6gegm6sqn11/Retrospect.srt
  11. ^ I always use random clips to test... so here's Retrospect's MV with the .srt file. or was it .ssa? i forgot.. .srt - http://www.sendspace.com/file/vjvli6 flv - http://www.sendspace.com/file/24io78
  12. @aiyaja, the subs look quite good. I'll be satisfied if my hardsubs turned out like that.. :( I'm trying it out.. but my quality is quite bad still hmm.... maybe it's just me?
  13. ^How is the quality of the hardsubs on the video? Is it based on the quality of the videos? I have problems trying to make the subs clear and unpixelated when encoding the subs with other programs... because it turns out looking like the video quality.. so the subtitles are pixelated too.. :(
  14. Poor P'Aum.. her doggy passed away :( I feel bad for her, she's always in pain because of them.. boohoo.. may the doggy rest in peace.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maiko


      Ooh, I just saw a picture of her and her poor dog. I remember seeing quite a lot of pictures of her with dogs, so I'm sure she's a dog lover, and it must hit her really hard. Yes, dear Aiko, may her dog rest in peace. T_T

    3. Sunny
    4. Mai


      I still remember that dog from WWY. So sad for her

  15. My niece is addicted and in love with Weir & Min. She tells me that she stalks a blog... and I go "Are you stalking Ninja?" she goes "How'd you know???" ahaha.. Thanks Ninja, for making her a stalker lol :P Have a good day/night.

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