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Thip last won the day on March 3 2023

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  • Birthday July 27

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  1. Officially Trump vs. Clinton...who will be our next president of the USA? >_<

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. shampoo


      Trump is not sane. Even if Hilary is scary, she knows the stuff more than Trump's business mind. He acts like everything is a joke and he gets rattle by the littlest thing. He talks shiet and doesn't take United States seriously. How does a presidential candidate joke about shooting someone and will not lose any votes? Yet Hilary Clinton gets criticized at everything she does? Trump does and says a lot yet he gets a pass. Plus, I wouldn't want a First Lady like Melenia. Sorry, but...

    3. shampoo


      If you're going to represent us, better act like you're intelligent. Or I'm going to judge you.

    4. Mai


      I think its unfair to even compare the two. Clinton obviously would be the better candidate, but shes been in politics and made mistakes that some are not willing to forgive or forget. Imagine Trump with the powers in his hands

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