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Everything posted by Thip

  1. Thip


    if they end up deleting my sw33tpancake channel, I'll be sad just for the mvs I've uploaded on there plus I have some lakorns being uploaded tooo.... that is a stupid move for ch7 to do...stupid off topic, but um, is any of the admins going to fix the bandwidth that exceeded.....the first time I came in here, I thought it was my internet connection until i looked closely lol
  2. http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13113-ch7-sao-noy-roy-lem-kwien-media-studio/ this one is airng tmr, please pin up
  3. Thip


    hey siont ch7 filing for copyrights on YT? How the ehck are we gonna watch lakorns now lol...bc not everyone has an account on those sites to watch lol
  4. maybe admin should close regsitration for awhile again, that way the spam member cant register *lol!*
  5. These can be pinned up since its airing or about to air hehe http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/11214-ch3-mou-daeng-ap-production/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/11772-ch3-mook-liem-petch-pau-jin-jong/
  6. awww the forum is cute mak! I guess I'll join since I adore her too hehe
  7. Admin, please move this to compelted lakorn since it ended last week http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13011-ch5-kulap-satan-exact-scenario/ And this is the lakorn that’s replacing it which airs starting January 2--thank you! http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13599-ch5-nam-kuen-hai-reab-ruk-exact/
  8. I actually like the rules heheh..its like a reminder
  9. http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13178-ch7-gleua-jim-gleua-polyplus-nook-narn/ Game Gumma Lor for Mirabillis Pranangs are Pai Pathit & Ying Kanyapat It was originally Gleua Jim Gleua that Film supposedly said he was gona be in w/ Pancake http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13557-ch7-pin-anong/ As for this, the name has change to Duangjai Satan for Moom Mai Other casts includes Benz Punyaporn Sun Pichayadon, Som Thansinee
  10. Thip


    I agree! Its hard to focus or update the new vdos from other channels lol....there's so much options on the left side as well...sighs
  11. lol true..i was like, WHAT?! mak has a subforum here Would one of the admins kindly moves these thread to the previously aired..hehe since it was just a special lakorn, it finished airing already lol…thank you http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13665-ch7-poo-hai-kantana/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13655-ch7-nam-daravdo/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13629-ch7-pandin-mahatsajun-pordeecam/
  12. Can one o the admins put in Dida as the production here hehe http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/12876-ch7-pang-sanaeha/ As for this one, there’s already a topic in the MOVIE section, can one of the admins delete or merge this with the old topic http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13661-pi-tu-phum-phom-dan-hang-rak/ http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13494-movie-bpidtu-poom-prom-dan-haeng-ruk/
  13. hopefully my channel doesnt delte in the near future...I have like 3 lols for back ups
  14. awies...why does it delete...does it do that to every channel not in use for a long time?
  15. cast confirm for this lakorn http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13389-ch7-ching-nang-polyplus/ Om Akapan, Rotmay Kaneungnit, Kan Kantathavorn, Thee, Gamboom
  16. Thip


    is anyone having problems uploading like me? I've been trying to upload a clip since Tuesday and now it's Thursday.....one is was taking forever to load and the other one wasnt even processing *erj*
  17. Thip


    snow...it's been like that for a while now...sumtimes it shows the whole snapshot and what not and sumtimes it just shows the link
  18. Thip


    ooh...and I thought it was my internet that was just making it t slow....sumtimes it may seem like its taking forever julie but it's actually done because when i was uploading SSS for sal, it was processing slow too until i opened a new tab and went to my vdos and it was done
  19. oh..found out his name Boss Tohnont
  20. A little change of casts in Maya Rasamee…Ying and Sun aren’t in here but instead it’s Gunjaesal Parntong and her new praek Boss [sorry, don’t know his full name lol] http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13351-ch7-maya-rasamee-daravdo/
  21. Thip


    that's messed up..they were probably mad that u were taking long to sub
  22. Thip


    I use video streaming recorder that I use to rip/stream frm obizgo to dl vdos frm YT as well and it works...it works for anything that's media lol
  23. Nai Tumruat Truat Huajai replacing Reun Lorm Ruk on October 19 ja
  24. Admins, corection on this lakorn the production company is TV Thunder Casts are Louis Scott, Punch Worakarn, Lift Supoj, Ginnie Thanida--snow made a mistake and put Aun Witaya in there..he's in another lakorn http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/13432-ch3-than-chai-nai-sai-mok/
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