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Everything posted by Thip

  1. Sunny, here's how mines look like
  2. i've been wondering this too if Kob is blue, I notice Aom Piyada is blue too
  3. Thip


    I did LOL..supposed to be back in 1911 lol
  4. Thip


    Julie, it froze on me too...so it isnt just me then.....
  5. Thip


    oh that happened to me too noiki...I was like waiting forever until I went and checked the video in another tab and it say complete upload
  6. Sunny now that u mention it, I have that too lolz
  7. Thip


    WHAT?! WTH...no more lakorns then?...although I can still rent from my dad's friend shop...get discounts too lol
  8. Thip


    oh yea that more than 15 mins has been there for awhile but its not on top of my load anymore when i load my lakorns..idk if I still can load more than 15......so idk if its temporary or not
  9. I might leave Mai out and do a blog on Min and Om...lol...hyped about their lakorn hahaha
  10. LOL, u know I was actually debating between a blog and a forum...but then I was debating between Min and Mai too lol.....
  11. HAHAHA.....so I was bored so I decided to do a Mai Davika forum.....let's see how long this forum will last HAHAHA CLICK AWAY
  12. haha...same thing happen to me too, i was freaking out...and I almost registered again too hahaha
  13. Thip


    I have a question, is the uplaoding more than 15 minutes thing temporary, or we can upload it now and always? because when i upload clips, there's always a notice saying i can upload more than 15 minutes but for the last 2 days, taht notice is gone
  14. Thip


    my cousin usually upload teh lakorns for me at her house but when she's busy, she'll tell me to do it..like this week....and since u guys are talking about warning, i had to go check mines lolz...its some of the parts from Ngao Kammathep and Tur Gup Kao.....it just says it's blocked from these certain countries...it wont get deleted right...the video i mean
  15. Thip


    yea...u could upload more than 15 minutes..but it still has to be within the 15 min range tho like it could be 15:00-15:59....I think but I never tried it..I only upload to like 15:05
  16. I have a twitter lolz...just to follow what stars are up to hahaha
  17. Yup yup! Oh forgot to mention, they have other fanclub section for teh rest of the casts too minus Aum since he has his own forum with Aff hehe
  18. ^^ yup yup, its working fine for me too
  19. I want to sub Pancake's stuff...not lakorns though...that'll take forever...but maybe her shows and interview and stuff...what subbing programs do you guys use
  20. I mean I can help translate news although I'm not the best at it since I'm not Thai......but will try to translate it lolz...if I'm not feeling lazy....but I usually do translate only Pancake stuff lol
  21. ooooh...haha...thanks noiki....
  22. okay so I'm barely starting to upload videos on YT......I was wondering, how do I put my names on the videos...like for example, noiki puts spicyforumnet on all her videos, how do i do that with mines
  23. Okay, so here's my second blog I created for Mak and Barry. So if you're a fan of either or both of them, come join the fun! PriNadechWorld
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