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Sherrie last won the day on January 29 2014

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  1. Anyone know any Vietnamese? I wanted someone to translate this: đừng bỏ mặc em bơ vơ trong sầu nhớ, đừng làm tim em thêm nhói đau vì anh, đừng để thời gian xóa hết những kỉ niệm, đừng để khoảng cách chia đôi duyên tình ta.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. icyplace


      Dear Sherrie, this is my translation,you can change it if you think something 's not closed to your words

      Don't let me suffering the lonely of missing you

      Don't let my heart hurting more b/c of you

      don't let time erasing all our memories

      Don't let anything to separate our love

    3. nguco19892012


      I'm Vietnam, this may be accurate trans for you:

      Don't let me lonely in missing.

      Don't make my heart more painful

      don't let time erase our memories

      Don't let distance separate us

    4. nguco19892012


      Thank for loving VN music.

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