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Mann last won the day on February 27 2022

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About Mann

  • Birthday 02/01/1989

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Elite Member (7/12)



  1. Thank you Sunny for all your hard work!! You're seriously the best admin.
  2. To those who watch Pitsawart, I loved the ending. Such great acting!

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    1. Thip


      I havent seen the last episode yet so no spoilers hahahha

    2. tEaRdRoP


      It was a good ending. But way to many flashbacks over and over again lol. Overall I enjoyed the lakorn

    3. Mann


      Me too!!! I liked the flashbacks but maybe just Aaks side would have sufficed. However, director probably wanted us to be reminded of what Khun Ubon was seeing/feeling. Haha

  3. Pitsawart looks so good! Too bad Pong is banned so we can't discuss the lakorn. Anyways, it airs the 19th for those who are tuning in. I watched many BTS and some of the stories are creepy! Way to go for the cast to take on such a risky lakorn that has had many bad incidents in the past.

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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Meiji


      Does anyone have any idea when Weir and Kwan's lakron will air???

    3. honda


      Thanks for the update, Mann. Don't care for Pong but Noon looks promising in the teaser.

    4. sheng


      I just finished episode1 and it was good. I'm very pleased that her acting is still very good. Even though I'm not a Pong I will watch it for Noon.

  4. I'm so addicted to Mia Teun w/ Koy and Film! Who would of thought lol

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  5. Mann


    does dootv let u share same account with other people when they lived from a different state?
  6. Mann


    if u dont have a credit/debit card is there other ways to pay? Like money orders or checks if so does anyone know how or what u do?
  7. Mann


    Well my friend she has dootv and share with her other friends but they from different state and does dootv dont allow ppl to share with other ppl? Thats why they change your password? I just want to know if their lying cuz only yrself can change ps if dootv change then how the hell u know whats the new ps unless they send to yr email but anyways my question is does dootv change your ps bc u share with others?
  8. Mann


    just wondering does dootv ppl/ they change your password something like that is that true?
  9. Mann


    really then not worth buying it i thought its going be hq like renting from the store
  10. Mann


    any thai website that has lakorns, talkshows and etc has a better quality? dootv.tv isnt that clear to me its still blurry but ok then obizgo gosh why cant they have HD i like watching when its very clear and good sound. By any chance anyone who order from this website http://www.dvdlakorn.com/ is the dvd HD like very clear and good sound no shaking or people face you can see good?
  11. Mann


    does anyone know what website is this they have hq its so clear http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSdK1nS8aHk http://www.youtube.com/user/TsudEhtChannel.../11/ZdfPOiKNxO0
  12. Nice site N'Grace ^^, very useful hehe I'll probably have to bookmark it cause I can't remember that hehe.
  13. awwh thanks noiki, i'll change it ja
  14. awwh thanks nanthao, LOL so the server got changed hehe i explain it in the site, but i'm trying to get all together again, & i finally changed the layout ^_^ http://www.daraclub.net/
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