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Sunny last won the day on December 13

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About Sunny

  • Birthday 09/15/2004

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  1. Do you agree?

    1. Noydarny80


      Well I am pro gun. Yes, the stories behind it are sad but bad guys will always going to get their hands on gun. If you keep thing lock and storage properly you can prevent accidents. That's my opinion. I still want to own a gun because I have a right to protect myself and my family.

    2. Sunny


      I think because the whole country are allow to have a gun that is why people think they need it to protect themselves from everyone else since everyone has a gun. Australia has gun laws, nobody can just own a gun unless it involve with their occupation or if you're just a public there is strict rules, license to own one and we don't have gun shops either. I think everyone here live their lives never thinking of needing a gun to protect ourselves or our family because nobody else has a...

    3. Sunny


      gun... though I do understand if you live in a place where people are just shooting randomly everywhere of course everyone would want one to protect themselves and their family.

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