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Sunny last won the day on December 2

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About Sunny

  • Birthday 09/15/2004

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  1. no matter what i try to do and try to think otherwise but why is life so sad :(

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    2. Kate562


      Yeah, we don’t expect the young ones to go, but it’s unfortunate. I remember, growing up, my moms friend 4yrs old child passed away from cancer(he was just the cutest, brightest child) and 15yrs later her 25yrs old son passed from car crash. It was just so devastating for her, I don’t know how she can stay sane. :tearpls:

    3. Sunny


      Oh my god thats too sad, literally its heartbreak and soul shattering to lose a loved one, especially a child and at a young age. I'm not his parent but I still feel so sorrow and pain, can't imagine what's in my brother's heart.

    4. Kate562


      Yes, it was very sad and on top of that. The oldest son that passed away just had a bday not too long ago. It’s a tragedy that struck twice for that family. Yea, I can’t imagine what the parents goes through loosing their children.

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