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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. 2NE1 reunion baby. Bring it on I'm going to their concert no matter what! Finally no more regret of never seeing them in concert! :omoomo:

  2. WoW Hello we're aging into our 20s! CONGRATS TO MYSELF FOR MAKING IT and Congrats to those who are still around, you may not have been here since 2004 but I've seen and come along way from starting Spicy from the very slow internet world where forums were the only place to find out about Thai celebrities news and new lakorns and magazine photos. Waiting for the Thai media to update their website and read articles to know what's going on with who. No Google to search just yet and of course no social media at all, sharing videos must be done via link that we upload on random free website and maybe via torrent. It is always exciting to wait for downloads so we can watch lakorns then try to be the first to comment haha. When I used to change the forum skin and layout every season of the year, where we had someone in charge of every forum to keep it in order and everyone trying to make the most posts of the day or reply to every threads possible. I still remember how I survive in MSN to communicate with my girls and do work for the forum, the agreements and disagreements, the love hate relationship we go through, such a time where we grow up with you guys and technology. Soon everyone starts to have their own life, I still wonder about those that disappear one day without a goodbye, I hope they are still well, I hope you have a beautiful life and that Spicy was one of your best memories in your young age. Thank you for making this forum an achievement, making this forum the first page most people open when they get on the internet in those days, the only forum they can't live without once in the past. I hope we can be here until I finally find a soul mate sorry to say but maybe forever here.
  3. My cousin was at the same ski resort as Aum in Japan and he saw them taking photos :tearpls: I'm jealous

  4. Sometimes I want to go back in time

  5. Why is the world crumbling everyday :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. passionalee


      This si just terrible and terrifying and yeah no way the hamas can claim they are innocent and a victim of IsraelS attack. Clearly it takes two to clap. 🤦🏻‍♀️ the hospital ? See that’s just madness I don’t get what attention or craving or Justice these hamas are looking for. What do they want? Just to kill for fun? I def don’t wanna see no children getting beheading. Those poor kids. It makes me cry. They have no heart. That’s the evil doing the devils job. It is ppl like that that lives among us that we will never have peace. The world will always be a mess. 

    3. Sunny


      They believe that Israel robbed them of their state and their people and they want to create a Palestine state. But by killing civilians, bombing and kidnapping is not really a way to solve or take anything. They want to swap the hostages for their own people who are in jail in Israel and those people are like masterminds of many destructions that were caused in the past. I think few years ago they exchange a hostage when Hamas took a soldier for two years before exchanging for 200 Palestinian who was in jail in Israel. For this war though you can't blame Israel for going hard on them this time because what they did was beyond anything in the past. And if they really cared for their own Palestinian people they would stop already but they are still hiding and allowing the bombings and killing the hostages. Already 20 Thai nationals are dead, 11 were kidnapped too. 

    4. passionalee


      This is crazy!!!! It is sad that the Palestine ppl don’t see the pain and suffering they are causing too. Blood must be shed. Thank you for sharing these info w me. I feel for both sides. I too won’t pick side both are clearly at fault. Only the innocents I will side w 

  6. I totally left for a holiday and did not come in at all. Hopefully the forum was OK and everyone is well. *ksl*

  7. Haha Spicy was founded on 21st June 2004
  8. Sweet sweet 19, this age has a bittersweet meaning to me, it makes my heartache but Spicy has reached this age now too. I'm speechless how long I've held onto this forum, honestly I should get a life. I guess as long as I still live and as long as someone is still replying to my comments and still watching foreign series, I'll still be here. Thank you
  9. So happy for Thailand new government! My family votes went through safely, praying for huge change!! 

  10. After almost 3 years I finally caught the virus :ninja:

    1. shampoo
    2. Shaunty23


      Aww. Get well soon, Sunny

    3. Sunny


      Thank you my lovelies @shampoo @Shaunty23 my 4th day into it, not too bad compared to what I've been through in the past couple of months.

  11. no matter what i try to do and try to think otherwise but why is life so sad :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kate562


      Yeah, we don’t expect the young ones to go, but it’s unfortunate. I remember, growing up, my moms friend 4yrs old child passed away from cancer(he was just the cutest, brightest child) and 15yrs later her 25yrs old son passed from car crash. It was just so devastating for her, I don’t know how she can stay sane. :tearpls:

    3. Sunny


      Oh my god thats too sad, literally its heartbreak and soul shattering to lose a loved one, especially a child and at a young age. I'm not his parent but I still feel so sorrow and pain, can't imagine what's in my brother's heart.

    4. Kate562


      Yes, it was very sad and on top of that. The oldest son that passed away just had a bday not too long ago. It’s a tragedy that struck twice for that family. Yea, I can’t imagine what the parents goes through loosing their children.

  12. Its so unusual how they announce the Queen's bad health like that, I have a bad feeling but I hope it's just a bad feeling.

    1. Sunny


      I'm bawling for some reason, what a woman she was! RIP. *bellow*

  13. Those spamming bot think you can beat me with your thousands of posts. *nono* *blah*

  14. Officially we have reached that age, 18 years of being alive! Thank you to all that come and go and gone. I really do appreciate it. I don't have new plans for this forum as I think we've reached that milestone and age. But I still like to just have this forum as an album of time that I can read back like a library. I still very much welcome new members or new posts, it is still fun to talk about ET World sometimes.
  15. The only time I wished I was at a music festival like Coachella because my girls 2NE1 epic  surprise reunion!!  *burn*

  16. Happy Thai New Year! *het*

  17. Why in 2022 country can still bomb another country. *bellow*

    1. tovsleeptov


      It’s sad and scary! I feel sorry for the people that risking their life out there.  I thought 2021 was tough, 2022 is heading for worse! With all the nuclear weapon it’s like the world can end any day. 

    2. Sunny


      Sigh tell me about it, it's getting hard to live day by day. I fear we will never go back to normal but get used to living the new normal instead. *cries*

  18. Just extended Spicy's domain till 2025, hopefully I'm still as motivated at that age *hehe* Please stay with me. *rxl*

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sunny


      Hopefully not show up only when someone passed away. Come back again when Oil and Ter announce divorce. :unsure:

    3. shampoo


      🤣 oh if there is juicy gossips kidding kidding still feel bad about that and their daughter. I wonder if they really can’t just live comfortably together to separate. 

    4. Sunny


      I know eh they didn't make it to 10years. They just really be too different to live together. Sad. 

  19. I'm kind of back! But sorry I'm so tired so I'll slowly make way here soon. *kisses* Hope all have been well!

    1. Kate562


      Yay! Welcome back, Sunny!! How was your vacation? Happy New Year!

    2. Sunny


      Thank you and HNY to you too, holiday was great, so glad I took the chance when I could now I have no idea when I can travel overseas again with this Covid rising again lol.

  20. I'm traveling, if any trouble contact me on IG have a great Xmas and healthy NY ladies. *gh*

    1. Shaunty23


      Happy holidays, Sunny. ❤️

    2. Kate562


      Happy holidays and had a fun and safe travel, Sunny!!!!

  21. I see a lot of updates, thank you! I need to catch up *kisses*

  22. I've just booked my first flight overseas since Covid. I'm excited yet scared at the same time haha. :lostit2:

    1. tovsleeptov


      are you vaccinated ? im sure you will be fine. I go out eat often when the risk are higher than now lol everyone I know traveling and they are fine. but most of them are vaccinated tho. enjoy and have a safe vacation!

    2. Kate562


      Nice! Where are you traveling to, if don’t mind me asking? All I’m planning is a travel to FL next year for work… so boring. Lol

    3. Sunny


      Yes I'm vaccinated, I'm traveling to Qatar, Doha. I know its rather out of the blue and many people asked, why that country haha. I just feel like I need something very different and the Middle East seems like it will be a surreal experience.

      Follow my trip on IG if you can, I'll be going on Christmas hahaha. :369273idx8k7h059:

  23. Is there any lakorns I can pin? *rll*

    1. Shaunty23


      Ch7 released teaser of lakorns before the year ends. Teaser includes the ff:

      Weir-Prapye lakorn

      BigM-Hana lakorn

      Film-Mint lakorn

      Euro-Pinkploy lakorn

      Kat-Thanwa lakorn

      Donut-Pupe lakorn



      Ter lakorn

      Mark-Taew lakorn 

      James Ji-Anne lakorn



  24. The forum have been updated. If anyone notice anything out of the usual please let me know so I can get to it and try to fix it if I can :)

  25. Happy Birthday to us. Thanks everyone for visiting, no matter if you interact or not. Stay safe and healthy everyone, Love so much from me!
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