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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. signing up for self defence course before I departure lol

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Maiko


      The months will speed by if you have too much fun. xD One of my friends went to study abroad in Korea, and she was there for over a year. She had a blast. I would have prefer Thailand or Japan. xD But any country is fun actually. Ooh, hopefully by the time you come back, you will speak German fluently. Hehehe, or understand most of it! Sunny, it will be loads of fun. Hope you learn a lot! =D

    3. Sunny


      Thank you Maiko *hugs*

    4. Maiko


      You're welcome, sweet Sunny! xD *Kiss kiss* <D

  2. Looking for a place in live in Berlin :( never done anything like this lol

  3. I've been offered a place in Berlin School of Economics & Law.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. teptida


      congrats sunny, it's a famous school, isn't it?

    3. NinjaKKN


      Congrats but law? You're planning to be in school for the long run, huh? Lol

    4. Sunny


      Thank you! Its a fairly new school, not sure if its famous, possibly not.

      I'm not going there to learn law haha just business, even though I'm very good at law, got the highest grade in law when I had law subject but because I'm not majoring law I can't do law subjects anymore lol.

  4. Please explain I do not understand how someone can GIN to the point of going FIN? who makes up these stuff? I understand Gin but Fin?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shampoo


      Fin comes from the word endorphin lmao so if you take endorphin you are.....

    3. NinjaKKN


      The happiest of all happiness. Lol Basically you're at the highest peak of your happiness because of a certain thing, people, etc.

    4. Sunny


      Omg Shamp!! I think that makes sense now so the word Fin comes from Endorphin!!! Ah!. Thank you Thip for explaining, I was more looking for where the word Fin comes from because Finland does not make sense at all LOL. Yes yes now I get it thanks girlies ^_^

  5. Finally home. Lost count how many celebs I saw. Khun Chai DVDs are sooo sharp and clear. I'm so sick :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sunny


      I checked, the DVDs are same as what aired but without the logo and ads.

    3. aiyaja


      I didn't pay for shipping because the price and weight was over, so it was free express shipping, but like usual, it's never really express. LOL It takes about a week or so to get here for me in California.

    4. Sunny


      I guess that extra $70 is shipping costs lol

  6. last night on my holiday... sick for 19 days haha n this trip I really saw too many stars (great)!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sunny


      Thank you but part of me feel like a waste to be sick as I cant eat much or feel the motivation to do much.

    3. blackout


      so sorry to hear that u been sick hope u feel better soon take care

    4. love_of_tvb
  7. six sense event is just as crowded :o tooooo much ppl

  8. its like I didnt really see Khun Chais toooo crowded lol. Tomorrow Min & Namfon ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sunny


      For sure when I return home n settle down ^_^

    3. Thip


      oh u know, forgot to tell you, there have been some problems with the box set, like some ppl might not get the whole set like by mistake, some ppl would get dvd sets of pawornruj twice and missing another set of series or missing a photobook...but if u are missing some of the parts, they said to contact thaiticketmajor and exchange

    4. Sunny


      I saw on the news too I've open one box but not yet check the other. Should do that before I go. Tooo lazy to go back n exchange gosh lol

  9. dinner next to Pepper UHT.

  10. never done anything like this before queuing up in hoping to be within a thousand person to get dvds haha I'm probably the 800th person.

    1. Sunny


      Got my dvds set!!!

  11. going to see Min in the morning n Khun Chais in the afternoon.. full day.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NinjaKKN


      Lucky you! Hug Min for me. 555

    3. Sunny


      No I didn't go see Min. It rained. Traffic jam. Flooding. Oh god I wanna die lol. Khun Chai for sure tonight though ^_^

    4. Thip


      the khun chai..ch3 will be broadcasting live too

  12. oh my!! khun chai Ronapee is so yummy!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sunny


      Only few from same level after every human have scattered out when event was over lol

    3. Kizukami


      who else was at the event u attended Sunny?

    4. Sunny


      The ppl I know were Diana, Gubgib n Mew L there was one more guy I dunno

  13. Going to see Khun Chais on the 16th buying limited DVDs!!!

    1. Thip


      ahhhh so jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please do share haha atleast the bloopers for puttipat! tae lots of pics na!

    2. Sunny


      I sure will!!!! I hope all 5 boys r there!!

    3. Thip


      they are. Their wives supposed to go too but paa'jaew said none of them were available that day

  14. Okay... see you guys later.. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aikoden


      Hope you have loads of fun na P'Sunny :3

    3. Sunny


      Thank you, internet here is slow lol plus its raining everyday I can't even get TV singal haha.

    4. kremepie


      hopefully it doesn't flood near you. that would be the worst!!!

  15. Damn you world! Weir-Min event in BKK on 11th but I'm landing in BKK on 13th, ahhh should not happen!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. love_of_tvb


      Maybe they'll have more events while you're there :)

    2. Sunny


      What are the chances LOL I don't think they will have an event twice a month.

    3. Sunny


      As in Weir & Min together that is, maybe individually yes.

  16. Pain all over.. so sick. Mummy said I cant go to Thailand anymore lol.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mai


      I doubt your mom will allow you to forfeit your plane ticket just cus ur sick. As asians most of us are not going to throw away money lol. hope you feel better

    3. teptida


      or you can change the name in the ticket. i don't know if you can or not

    4. Sunny


      I'm still very sick, its aching everywhere because I'm coughing and sometimes my heart hurts *sigh* and its very sore my throat, if the sickness is very bad, trust me my mum can stop me but it takes two to clap lol

  17. 7 more days.. my sister's family is already there!

  18. Thank you Thip I will update that into my Oct airing thread too
  19. Just spent 800 bucks on samsonite luggages.. better be good! Makes packaging so much fun lol

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sunny


      No they didn't mark up the price, on its official website it does say 799 but it doesn't matter I've got it for cheaper than that same item thus bargain lol. I'll end up with internet next yr no worries, have to Skype back to my family lol

    3. shampoo


      799 USD? Sunny, why didn't you just use those money for your trip in Thailand? Your old one are torn or useless? 100 to 200 is okay cuz you do want one that last too but 800 for two, I think that's a bit much. Lol

    4. Sunny


      I'm not talking USD its AUD, these luggages I got are the latest ones, they are durable (I've jumped on it and thrown it around lol) and very light weight, the large one only weights 2.6kg normally this size other luggage weight like almost 4-5kg, that is the reason why I made this huge purchase. Yea our luggages that we have it was purchased since we came from Thailand in 1998 lol, sometimes updating is good.

  20. I'm growing white eyelash :( as if growing white hair on my head isn't enough T____T

    1. NinjaKKN


      Did you? That's odd. Some white hair is normal.

    2. aiyaja


      I'm already freaking out with white hair, white eyelashes? Yikes.

    3. Sunny


      It's white and longer than my black eyelash, I had no idea it was there until its this long? I thought it was a white thread from something, tried to pull it out until I realize, OMG *cries* lol

  21. Only 16 more days and hello Phuket!!

    1. Kwan20


      Have fun na jaa

    2. aikoden


      Enjoy Phuket na P'Sunny.. hehe.

    3. Sunny
  22. Over celebrated my birthday haha

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. kymie1083


      wow that's a packed day! HBD!

    3. aikoden


      Glad to hear that your day went well... and what? Planned since April? HEHE. Dedicated indeed :3

    4. Sunny


      Lol yep, I booked the hotel rooms since April for 30% off in advance premier rooms, we went to the temple in the morning, shopping/relax and than out to have dinner, drinks and than clubbing. Overall it was good as planned lol.

  23. Oww I'm getting older, I don't want to get older.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kizukami


      naaah just get worried when u're asked when u are gonna get married lol Boyfriend? naaah

    3. shampoo
    4. Sunny


      Because I can choose that's why I'm still single hahaha

  24. I miss making fans MV :(

    1. Thip


      I wish I have the motivations to make one, not having ur own computer makes me even lazier hahah

    2. Sunny


      I have motivations but no time :( no longer that teen girl who has no work and life to sit and make MVs anymore T__T

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