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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. Not looking forward to winter :( disliking re-organising my closet every 4 seasons.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sreymao


      Spring is here but us Minnesotan are hit with a snow storm . Happy April

    3. Sunny


      Its Autum here but its starting to get cold and Winter will arrive fully in June, eh it'll be cold by May always anyways lol. Bye bye sunshine... see you in October when I visit Thailand hahaha.

    4. Cindy


      I totally forgot that you were on the other side. Lol.

  2. Attention: To All Newbies Concerning Downloads - Need Approvals Often if you post and cannot see your post being posted - in reality it have been posted but it will not show because it need approval from the staffs and admins first. (This is to prevent spam and inactive members leeching) PLEASE PM SUNNY for approval, I will approve the posts for you so you can download the files. I'm pretty good with coming in to approve so you should get a reply within 24 hours and be able to see the hidden links, if I'm late it'll be only a couple days. So please if you have posted and cannot see your post PM me, do not post a zillion of times hoping it will show because it will not and it takes me days to delete those posts too. THANK YOU for making Spicy Media forums active.
  3. Work hard, have dreams, I'll make it soon.

    1. Cindy


      Su su na ka! You can do it Sunny!

    2. Sunny


      <3 Just waiting for that day, I know it will come when I can fulfill my dreams that I've always had.

    3. newtolakorns


      enjoy life

      dream BIG


      Good luck, Sunny!

  4. Don’t let the sun go down on an argument

    1. NinjaKKN


      Don't let the sun go up on an argument.

      Work both ways. :P

    2. Sunny


      Yea if it happened all night long LOL

  5. Easter Holiday I cannot wait, looking forward to catching up on lakorns and Weir-Min eeeee!

    1. NinjaKKN


      Sound exciting. Lol

    2. Sunny


      Party = Tiring now I have no energy to catch up on anything 5555+

  6. Looking forward to Da Endorphine concert this Sunday!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tipstar


      70% is good enough! I'm the crazy one that remembers a lot of lyrics. I remember going to a Backstreet Boys concert ages ago and I was the only one who knew all the words to all the songs!

    3. NinjaKKN


      Lucky you. Have fun. Will you post some pictures from the concert?

    4. Sunny


      @Tipstar it would be so much fun to know all the words to each songs lol

      @Ninja, I might hehe depends how much I get and if the pics are any good hehe

  7. YES its airing 22nd hehehe I'm looking forward to it myself
  8. This is a first to be planning my life in schedule every fortnightly and its full everyday :(

  9. Thank you! I dont know anybody in that lakorn LOL
  10. Who knows Germany school semester? can I really do 9 subjects in one semester there? T__T

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. myasally


      Wao....for my U I usually took 6-7 only...I dunno how u guys co-op with 9...must be tough..

    3. NinjaKKN


      9 subjects? Wow, that sound quite intense and scary.

    4. Sunny


      lol help me? tell me if anyone know about German subjects and its systems, the teacher say the course is smaller than ours over here but I read the course description and it sounds like a full workload like here LOL

  11. starting from next week I'll be a working and studying machine! lol

  12. Yay!! My subjects have been aproved! Europe here I come 2014!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. tipstar


      Cool! Well I hope you get them too!

    3. aikoden


      Congratulations Sunny, it sounds so fun :D

    4. Sunny


      Thank you Tipstar and Aikoden, still more paperwork to be done though!

  13. LOL its okay Tipstar you seem so excited too ! haha
  14. Oooh it aired last night? I thought it was airing 13th lol better change it hehe Wait a minute KK aired last night too >_<
  15. Officially doing two jobs + studying! come on now!

    1. NinjaKKN


      Wow...that's rough. Hope you have still time to spazz on Weir & Min. Lol

    2. Sunny


      Hi Ninja, I will surly squeeze in time for them! Right now I just need savings to make a Thailand trip and go to study overseas after haha, go through the pain and stress now so when time comes I can smile and enjoy :)

  16. man its getting popular, I'm going to get myself a Furby too!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunny


      Its like a little bit over $100, err why so expensive, I'm trying to bid on Ebay haha

    3. Kizukami


      get yourself a hamster, Sunny it's more useful than a toy

    4. Sunny


      555+ but that's more responsibility LOL

  17. Is that in the older gallery where its locked? There is many posts in the normal gallery that we admins need to approve before it shows in case of spam but a lot of you guys are okay just that we haven't changed the settings. Most times it posts only us admins sees it.
  18. Sunny

    HI SWEETIE. I hope you read your feed but I want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I don't know the exact date but it's sometimes around this time, correct? HEHE If not, it was during New Year's >_< owww!!

  19. Denmark vs. Germary, I hope I can get in the one I wanted! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunny


      Oops yea I meant Germany lol, there are places in Denmark but have to study hard for it because its competitive!

    3. NinjaKKN


      Denmark is a beautiful country. Germany is an okay place to me.

    4. Sunny


      Copenhagen business school in Denmark, gosh would be so happy if I make it in :D

  20. Met twins "Joshua & Hayden" from lakorn Monruk Gae Bon, OMO cuteness and naughtiness OVERLOAD!

    1. Thip


      oh how cool! They are cute tho!

    2. Sunny


      We went to their house! They were so naughty but so energetic too!!

  21. Tore between two places, Europe or USA? :(

  22. moonchild dear, your banner had me starring for a long time now, I feel like I'm in heaven :o)

  23. Baby girl is born, love love love <3

  24. Oh yea lol I'll merge it together, thanks ja
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