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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. Hi guys, My apologise I was away on holiday for awhile and did not realise the forum had trouble with replying and everything with loading until a few days ago so I got Admin Darvil to help fix. We had lost all contents after September 23rd. So sorry about this. Right now the forum has been fixed but I need to update the forum's layout I think because we have also upgraded to next version so there may be missing stuff or stuff that looks out of place randomly.
  2. Sorry guys the forum went crazzzy *bellow*

    1. tEaRdRoP


      Yup...I think at one point I was banned.  I was like what the heck, what did I do?  LOLS... it's all good now.

    2. Sunny


      What? haha sorry T__T I was so late on noticing it

  3. Jai Luang Part 2? For real?? :D

    1. roselovesice


      According to Fluke, they're going to start filming in 2 weeks! 

    2. Sunny


      Ahhh I'm excited yes!

  4. So happy to read the 13 lives of football team are found safe and alive in the cave after 9 days!

    1. tovsleeptov


      I saw!!! Omg so happy for their parent and all those hard works people that never give up ?. Such a miracle how they stay alive for 9days. God bless them!

    2. LyLy


      I cried when i heard.  I was so happy to hear.  Thanks to all the brave men and women heroes for not giving up on them. 

  5. Oh my Buddha, did I just see another notice to update this forum again? *mg**fts* #toomuchtodo *bellow*

    1. Thip


      Fighting!!! *het**yss*

    2. Sunny


      Haha you want to see new skin already?? :555-:

    3. LyLy


      thank you for all you do!

  6. World Cup, of course no other than Deutschland :wub:

  7. We can now watch Ch7 lakorns via Bugaboo but for a fee hahaha!

  8. Ch7's kissing is becoming advance!? I saw clips on YT of Ch7 lakorn and whaoo, when did this kind of stuff become the norm? The kisses are good but still the same old kiss slap and leads not saying what their hearts wants. But the point is... THE KISS have advanced!? hahaha Its no longer fake its totally a kiss! Sorry I haven't been watching Ch7 lakorn for 2-3 years?

    1. Thip


      which kiss sunny? and by who hahahha

    2. Sunny


      I've no idea who they were haha it was a random clip that pop up on YT as recommend LOL as it can tell what I've been watching hahaha. But its not like foreign kisses, just that its not what I've seen from on Ch7 before so it was a new thing. No more blocking and censoring lol.

  9. I've never watched CH8 lakorn but stumbled upon 'Jai Luang' and omgosh FINNNN! this lakorn satisfied my craving for n'ek & p'ek real kisses and tension! Dude I didn't even know the leads but their chemistry really pulled me in hahaha. Recommend if you are bored!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sunny


      I've checked and have enabled for you, I had idea it was not automatically enabled, it says member can enable it themselves but I have no idea how you could do that on your own so I did it :)

    3. mdz1


      Gonna go check this out now!!!! :P

    4. Sunny


      You'll be addicted, I was and still rewatch it haha wished there was a thread on this I would give me review haha or maybe I'll make one LOL @mdz1

  10. Happy New Year my people!
    Oh another lonely festive day.. I hate end of year lol *rll*

  11. Such a lonely Christmas this year for me, K-drama is my friend... maybe cake and wine too. :unsure:

    1. Thip


      join the club lol. Merry Christmas Sunny*het*

    2. Sunny


      Aawww thank you now I feel loved, Merry Christmas to you too!

  12. So bored, what's good airing at the moment, C or K series preferred but Thai lakorns if its good I don't mind too *snck*

  13. I don't know about log in problems. Only last week we were down. As for asking for numbers its just to prove you are not a spam or robot lol.
  14. Last night at p'Nui Amphol concert, ah very thrilled and he's a legendary rock singer indeed! <3

  15. It's that time of the year again, where I feel like my heart skipped a beat knowing that I'm going to be a year older! Wishing everyone all smiles on this day :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. m3lhouse


      Older the berry sweeter the juice!  hahahah HBD na! 

    3. shampoo


      Happy birthday. 

    4. Thip


      Happy birthday Sunny....LOl every year I dread when its my birthday too hahahaha

  16. No no, I didn't mean it that way... I'm just too lazy to keep updated myself, I've drifted to foreign series as you can see by my avatar and banner lol.
  17. All these Chinese series, errr, its not like I need sleep anyways! :ninja:

    1. shampoo
    2. NinjaKKN


      Oh, I see the status bar is back now. 555 Sunny, me too. 

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