Hehehehe its the fashion
Actually because we can't get the banner at the back to remove so we put the other banner on top of it, because the banner at the back, somehow we inputed with the forum skin *lol!*
Umm our board, even though Spicy Forum is 3 years old, but we've had a change of boards around 3 times too lol, so maybe it was in the older forum that clashed or the first forum, but its closed to members now .... this forum, probably not.
it took me almost a year to learn how to use wmr well with the wmr recorder i set my mode to be pro and before you go and play the file press record first and than open up your media and it should start recording. thats how my works
The hide code is pretty hard and complicated I think it must be inserted somewhere lol. Admin did this for us, maybe he is kind enough to help out when he drops by or you can tag him.