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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. Sunny


    I don't know, I can't view on my computer & my notebook its both would my internet service be the problem? anyways no one can answer that expect me lol i dont mind just that sometimes I want to see pics that is uploaded through Imageshack web lol
  2. Sunny


    I'm just wondering, is anyone having trouble loading photos that is uploaded @ Imageshack .... I seem to have problems loading them and in the end can't view it anyways, I've been having this not sure for how long but I think since early March. I can not view their photos at all so whoever posts photos that is uploaded @ Imageshack most likely i can't view them, even some banners members use But i can visit their site and upload and see my own image fine lol but not when others do it
  3. Why do I kill myself with two websites and one forum, can't get someone to take over either lol I like p'Noiki webbie, it's so fresh and simply beautiful
  4. It is indeed I'm trying to make my new layout simple and its been weeks because its hard hehe
  5. but its so simple and put together lol I need to get some times to work up the web ... my plan is update my Aum site first and then Namfon
  6. awww its so beautiful, why ain't mine like that it looks prefessionally put together
  7. You've download too much from sendspace ...
  8. at ONE point lol you can ask her, I've already backup the forum lol we can only lose 1-2 days of data haha
  9. lol she hasnt been here for so long, I think she might have forgotten, who knows we here everyday we cant even fix it lol
  10. we'll have to wait for greek admin hehe we shall report it lol
  11. lol why is it tan/cream colour sweetie? are you still trying to work it out
  12. I'm going to leave it as for now since its the most decent ones we've done tonight before its totally messed
  13. I dont know sweetie, we'll have to ask admin i thought the red we did it ourself in the first place before maybe its new setting from invisionplus now I'm going to change the colour of the banner stip
  14. lol its impossible here sweetie oops that remines me to back up our forum
  15. lol I'll just rest it on with which ever once is best for now
  16. is my name green to you?? i dont know T_____T
  17. >_< I'm going to just try things back and forward seems like our admin name is only colour
  18. lol we're trying dude, the problem is our name isnt colour
  19. i fear na ka what happen to it again i thought it was ok i just removed the banner and now its back to white
  20. i havent really do anything to the skins yet, only just created a new one and changing from this to that seeing which one is which lol ok so you take care
  21. it came with the skin admin set for us lol I will seriously do some editting on this layout so its more original, but this one is closest it our old one
  22. tell me its getting better
  23. *points @ Mai* she's having trouble
  24. Sunny


    I kind of lack time during that moment then I havent been back since ... and umm
  25. Sunny


    Sarnworld had the sub of Plueng Payu epi 1 ..... and I'm a fansubber for ... umm doing epi 4 I'm up to 24 minutes something 55555 its hard
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