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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. We used to want a shout box, but we're (admins) not always here to read them and make sure its cool msg and we have agree to not do it since members might gossips about others lol
  2. p'Noiki must survive, fah mee tawan, p'Noiki yung jarng you tee nee, mee cheewit you tee Spicy <_< <_<
  3. -________- smelly germs, ewww i can smell them <_< by experiences lol
  4. the suppose change in my mum's book is to grow, however on the packet it doesnt say so oh uh p'Noiki, kids germs ewww, take care around them na ka, I'm getting a needle in the next two weeks so I dont get sick ... so i can attend school everyday <_< <_< p'Noiki should get one as well we can go through the pain together lol
  5. take vitimins? lol I've been drinking warm milk cereal before bed everynight for about 2 weeks now, its good ... they say its good I'm waiting for result of changes
  6. next time p'Noiki get up slowly na ka hehe like me, I take about 10-15 mins to get up ... if I had more time i'll take more
  7. awww that sounds so bad, that your brain hurts a kiss na ka
  8. hey I tried to upload last night as well, but i thought it was my connection but sendspace wouldnt upload for me ... i'll try again today lol, havent yet but I think it should be fine, or else errr
  9. Sunny

    warning %

    lol how many times shall I give? I dont want hundreds of members warn in one day na
  10. Sunny

    warning %

    hehe i think staffs and mods can warn members too if i remember my setting, only once a day though hehe
  11. Sunny

    warning %

    shall i increase my mods and staff's warning? I think I've found a few target members already
  12. Sunny

    warning %

    I put up this warning system because I think we need it, at least sometimes I feel like I need this warning system. Currently everyone is at 0% ... at least I havent warn anyone yet.
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