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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. Oh my goodness, second time in the year where I've lost my voice again... is this OK?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sunny


      Its painful this time, last time was OK, no feeling just my voice was gone but now its sore and no voice at the same time lol if its the same case as last time that'll be better haha

    3. Mai


      That doesn't sound normal, what are you doing with that throat of yours Sunny? Anyway hope you get better soon

    4. Sunny


      Nothing but my job does requires my voice, I yell a lot and talk a lot lol.

      My voice came back after two days but still sore throat. Thank you.

  2. Do you ever get that feeling when you watch so much romance series you think back to your lonely self... why ain't I in love like them? haha

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NinjaKKN


      555 I love my single life. Love can be a headache especially love with the wrong person.

    3. Noydarny80


      Relationship is not like a story book or Lakorn story love. There will be the day I want kick my other half because he make me so mad. But other day you are full of love for him. And guy is not romantic at all. No flowers or good night texts after you been together for a while.

    4. Sunny


      I was just watching Secret Garden the ending part and I think back to myself, goodness, will I ever get to go through that period in life? hahahaha

  3. You know WM's new sudsapda shoots? My ovaries exploded!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noydarny80


      Bedroom scenes!!!! They are so hot.

    3. Sunny


      I cannot be naive when it comes to WM they make my mind dark!!!

    4. Kidtueng


      This man don't understand the word kullasatree hahahaha

  4. Spicy is not functioning fully like it used to, is that happening to anyone? lol

    1. Thip


      working fine for me lol

    2. Sunny


      I can't view people's profile it gives me error lol

    3. Thip


      well now that you mention people's profile, then yes I can't view it either

  5. Spicy keep breaking down on me, is that happening to anyone else?

  6. What is wrong with our world! its becoming a daily thing on the news that someone has attacked and killed and injured people! Lets move to Mars, I'm tired of this planet :(

    1. NinjaKKN


      Is Mars really more peaceful? Maybe there will be some alien war up there. lol

    2. Sunny


      I would be so interested! lol

  7. It melts my heart with all these baby deliveries. Feel like a baby fever!

    1. honda


      Baby boom for the celebs

  8. I love FB live, wish it existed ages ago!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sunny


      I did live first time while on holiday, its so fun!

    3. honda


      I tried to find Min on fb too but couldn't

    4. Sunny


      Ninja said to search "มิน-พีชญา Official" and I did and I found her lol

  9. Recommend a good romance series, my life is too solo ;)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. shampoo


      Hahah go DOTS!

    3. NinjaKKN


      Sunny, if you're not sick of Mik yet you can join me and watch KLKN...NHJ airing July 28th. It's a romantic action drama about Mr. Mafia and an innocent girl. The 2nd lead is an older woman chasing after a young mafia. I've read the book so I highly recommend the lakorn version.

    4. Sunny


      Ninja, I'll check it out, but you are hardly in lakorn threads now a days I probably end up alone in there hahaha

  10. GG is a small girl yet she gave birth naturally while other celebs just opt for caesarean. (Talking about those that can give naturally but just chose for 'good dates' reasons lol)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sreymao


      Did Lydia ever mentioned the sex of her baby. So far GG ,benz and Ann are having girls.

    3. Noydarny80


      I saw a lot of blue bags. So i think their baby might be a boy.

    4. Sunny


      I think i remember hers being a boy

  11. Hate it when I'm requesting something and the salesperson cannot find it but their tone to me is as if I'm dumb! In the end they find what I want and dude should I even buy it now!!

    1. Noydarny80


      I wouldn't buy it. Unless they are the only shop in town. I work with customer service all my life and being rude to your customer is one of the thing I will not tolerate.

    2. Sunny


      they probably gossip about me after i leave lol but i will go back tomorrow and hopefully its a new person haha its a furniture and electric store so maybe tomorrow I'll get someone who's smarter -_-

  12. Has anyone ever lost their voice? What did you do to make it better? Nothing is sore, my nose is runny only a little but my voice is totally gone >_<

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NinjaKKN


      Take a spoonful of honey daily. It works for me.

    3. Sunny


      Thank you, I think my illness is going backwards? My voice is back but now I'm coughing and have more runny nose and blocked nose than before lol.

    4. sunnyaucheung


      Lol take some cold meds and you'll be fine.

  13. My goodness, I thought the site was hacked yesterday as google said so lol...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunny


      I asked Google and it said Spicy may be hacked lol so stupid.

    3. Mai


      it always says that

    4. Sunny


      Normally it will just say the site is down but this time was the first time it said may be hacked so I was shocked lol

  14. lol thanks ka I was wondering what type of lakorn it would be with that title and I didn't even look at the thread haha
  15. ❤‿❤ Graduating tomorrow v(⌒o⌒)v♪

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. tEaRdRoP


      Woohoo congrats love!!! U r officially all grown up! So now what r u gonna do with ur spare time? Ooh I know Dara stalking time lol. But seriously, congratulations na ja!

    3. Sunny


      Thank you ladies!

      Ms TearDrop, thank you and my spare time? Ayo don't mention it I'm trying to work for money for my traveling hahaha

    4. tEaRdRoP


      I'm debating about going to stalk Hia Weir here in Cali lols. But Man I have a busy busy weekend

  16. There's a vaccine for Dengue fever! Let's pray it work for no more loss of life to this deadly disease

  17. IG is increaing video limit to 60 seconds, omg I hope more longer cute clips from my fav! heheehe

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kidtueng


      Oh ok.. I thought already

    3. Mai


      I think 30 seconds is long enough

    4. Sunny


      I dont think the celebs would post a full 60 seconds anyways at least most of them wouldnt haha

  18. What's a good romantic koo-kik lakorn these days without the stress lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tovsleeptov


      Don't know. Barely watch any. How about Manga( Japanese comic books)? They r so good too. Interesting?

    3. kremepie


      I would recommend sood sanaeha since it's my all time fav & I never get sick of it...but it's so old now xD

    4. Sunny


      I've seen that one since it was released it was fun to watch

  19. Happy March everyone ^_^ How was your extra day yesterday?

    1. Thip


      stressful! Midterms are coming up and I am not prepared

    2. Sunny


      Fighting! ¬_¬ I'm so glad no more school for me!

  20. I will be stronger, I've got experience (╥﹏╥)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. honda
    3. Noydarny80


      I still have mine. And I need it all out soon.

    4. Sunny


      Do it while you're young and not older because I heard its harder if you get older since the teeth will mature.

  21. Warning: Major upgrade in the next coming days to a week. *fingers crossed*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tEaRdRoP


      I had problems...I could view but couldn't comment lol so hopefully it won't make things worst for me.

    3. shampoo
    4. Noydarny80


      I hope the upgrade is good. Thanks for the warning!!

  22. Spicy sometimes work and sometimes don't. Does that happen to you guys too?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Mai


      most of the times we have issues, 300 days out of 365 days lol

    3. Noydarny80


      Yes I couldn't access this web site all last weekend.

    4. Sunny


      Lol sweetie, not that often! Maybe once every 3 months LOL but Darvil has fixed this issue. In the future the forum will get updated which means .... MORE ISSUES hahahaha

  23. I wish I had CCTV in my room to help me find the things I'm looking for =_="

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunny


      I can trace back where I last had it because I remember I still had it at the beginning of the year lol I thought its at this particular spot but now its gone haha.

    3. Mai


      but what if you didnt lose it in your room?

    4. Sunny


      I know its lost in my room somewhere because I last saw it in my room lol

  24. Wed & Thur slot for me: Morrasoom Sawaat + Puer Tur + Padivarada. #happy

  25. Its been a long time since I post pictures and captions. I miss those times.

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