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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. Where is everyone this weekend? So alone..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. gumiho


      I also attended a friend wedding and the food was delicious lol

    3. Sreymao


      Summer like this I'm busy every weekend. Birthdays, graduation party. Too many I just attend close friends and relatives. Many outdoors activities. Gotta enjoyed summer. Winter around the corner. Enjoy it while it last lol..

    4. sunnyaucheung


      There's just too much going on lately. Death. Funeral.

  2. Thanks ka, how did I missed the 2 posts of yours and Thip before lol
  3. Re-watched Luerd Kattiya and cried a river, such a great lakorn.

    1. Sreymao


      Sad ending. . I want Push in this remake though.

  4. My King & Queen is on re-run.. I think I'm falling in love again (rao pen khon lai jai mak!) lol

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Kidtueng


      Mine HD thought

    3. Sunny


      HD as the real HD or just HD but not really? lol I'm really picky

    4. Kidtueng


      If HD is like u watching live or live is Still not HD? Mine is same when u watching it live. I think this seller is dl from dootv hehehe.

  5. My new craze, watching people eat on youtube

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. vmnew


      hmmm :(. take good care of yourself. Everyone's body is different and it heals differently. If the doc is not overly concerned then it's probably just a matter of time before you recover fully.

    3. Sunny


      It's affecting my ear I can feel it and I'm getting tired chewing on one side lol eating is still very slow for me T__T I just want to go back to normal.

    4. vmnew


      ouch :( :(. I am sure that you will recover soon. It takes a little longer for some at times but if you go slow and rest it will help.

  6. much on my mind, now its over \ (•◡•) /

  7. Do you agree?

    1. Noydarny80


      Well I am pro gun. Yes, the stories behind it are sad but bad guys will always going to get their hands on gun. If you keep thing lock and storage properly you can prevent accidents. That's my opinion. I still want to own a gun because I have a right to protect myself and my family.

    2. Sunny


      I think because the whole country are allow to have a gun that is why people think they need it to protect themselves from everyone else since everyone has a gun. Australia has gun laws, nobody can just own a gun unless it involve with their occupation or if you're just a public there is strict rules, license to own one and we don't have gun shops either. I think everyone here live their lives never thinking of needing a gun to protect ourselves or our family because nobody else has a...

    3. Sunny


      gun... though I do understand if you live in a place where people are just shooting randomly everywhere of course everyone would want one to protect themselves and their family.

  8. I'm immune to hunger, lost 2 kg and I'm so bored to be sleeping every 6 hours due to medication, what is the meaning of life :(

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. sunnyaucheung


      I hope the bleeding stop for you. You seem to be on an emotional roller coaster with this.

    3. Sunny


      I throw up today even though there was so little food in my stomach to begin with since I can't eat, my throat is sore, oh the pain of hunger but cannot eat. I'm just trying to take the dentist words for it... that on Monday it will all be better.

    4. Noydarny80


      awww I hope you feel better. Wisdom teeth exacting could be bad.

  9. Dreamed about a snake wrapping around my body.. is it true that I will find my soul mate soon? I'm more concern about my wisdom removal tomorrow "-_-

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. gumiho


      When I got four of my windows teeth removed it took the bleeding like 2-3 days to stop. It was the worst experience ever. I'm glad they prescribed me painkillers.

    3. sunnyaucheung


      Like gumiho said it will take only a few days for the bleeding to stop.

    4. Sunny


      day 3 still some blood n i'm so hungry n already on my last pack of painkillers

  10. I'm such a player, I'm crushing on p'Suer & Hia Krating at once (>‿◠)✌

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tEaRdRoP


      You playa! LOL It's just P'Suer for me.

    3. Kidtueng


      I see why u are crushing for suer,lol.

    4. Sunny


      Its OK soon I will get over Hia and only love p'Suer hahaha

  11. 'chun ruk khun, khun tam' o(TT__TT)o

    1. m3lhouse



    2. Sunny


      It suppose to be sad!!

  12. "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia". - Unknown.

    1. Thip


      nice one. I guess we have you Sunny to let us know ahead lol

    2. Sunny


      Haha more like, I will die first and you guys have one day notice! hehe

    3. Kimix


      lol, if anything Japan should be the first country to inform us the world is coming to an end! It is the country of the Rising Sun! :P

  13. Lately so much on my mind (͡๏̯͡๏)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tipstar


      Hope it all works out for you soon, Sunny!

    3. Sunny


      Thank you girls (virtual hug) I'm waiting time, I believe time will work things out.

    4. Mai


      What's wrong Sunny?

  14. the crazy app going around. how-old.net ... how old do you look to the internet? I look 14 haha.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. honda


      I thought of trying it but not sure if I can take it telling me I look a lot older than I really am lol

    3. sunnyaucheung


      It's a dumb app like Ninja said. lol One picture said I look 17 and the other pic said I look 26. Lol

    4. honda


      Out of curiosity I had to try. I tried it with various pictures and I must say I like the numbers i8t gave me lol

  15. My 2 lovers together for her bday! ❤❤

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kidtueng


      The smile of the day cuz of them

    3. honda


      They sure know how to tease the fans.

    4. NinjaKKN


      The best surprise ever.

  16. SE first public event together, why am I so thrilled! ☝☝☝The finger pointing craze by their fans is so funny!

    1. sunnyaucheung


      My sister is crazy about them.

    2. Sunny


      But its so creative how they did the finger pointing craze, it really lead you to their comments about each other haha

  17. ♥ Leh Ratree, perfect from beginning to end. ♥

  18. I miss BERLIN !! TT__TT hurrr hurrr

  19. Feeling sorrow to hear about the German airline, I flew with Germanwings twice with my dad and I feel like the crash is so close to me, :( RIP.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sunny


      Even worst to know it was a deliberate act!!!

    3. Noydarny80


      I hope the co pilot was not the one who are responsible for all the people on the plane.

    4. Sunny


      From what I read and see on TV it looks as though the co-pilot drown the plane on purpose, he locked the captain out!

  20. Lee Min Ho oppa & Suzy... very exciting!!

    1. sunnyaucheung
    2. tipstar


      It was a surprise but they will look cute together. :)

    3. janaaa_


      They would make a cute couple.

  21. Waiting for the birth of my new angel..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Noydarny80


      I don't have kids of my own but I want my siblings to have more kids. right now I have one niece and nephew. Congrats on your new baby nephew. Boy is so fun, you can play rough with them they are still laughing most of the time.

    3. Sreymao


      @noy. Boys are fun yes, they play rough lol. . I beat them in street fighter they say it's on mommy lol.

    4. Mai
  22. Watched a Chinese drama that was said to be remark of 'Sawan Biang' HAHA dumbest of the dumbest female lead role I've ever seen in my series watching history !!

    1. krisayaporn


      Wah!!! I need to watch that either. Please, tell a chinese name. I will search that

    2. Sunny


      Its really really slow and the n'ek is very very dumb, the storyline doesn't even have anything like SB only the part about the sis marrying p'ek dad. I watched it and finished it within one night as I FF alot!! But if you really want, its called "Love is the Best" its on Viki.

  23. Happy Singles Awareness Day! A pat on the back to me for being so faithful to myself ♥♥

    1. Noydarny80


      awww you will not be single forever. Happy Valentine's day to you Sunny.

    2. sunnyaucheung


      Happy V-day!! It's ok to be single.lol We'll find Mr. Right someday.

    3. NinjaKKN


      Being faithful to self? Lol Happy V-day to the singles and takens.

  24. Watching lakorns with my parents and I complained of all the things I would of done. My father ''You would be a great director'' in a praising way :o surprised comment hehe.

    1. Mai


      My parents say the same but it's not a compliment but sarcasm

    2. Sunny


      I think it was a compliment because he never said it before, first time last night I probably have said something he would like to see also lol

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