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teptida last won the day on March 2 2016

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    Heaven to Hell

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  1. Happy new year everyone: be in peace and good health. May Budha or god be with you and show the right path. Satouk or amen.

    1. tovsleeptov
    2. Noydarny80


      Happy New Year to you!!!

  2. France is mourning: RIP 12 reporters killed by terrorists yestersday in "Charlie hebdo"

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NinjaKKN


      The shooters had a shootout with the cops and they both died today.

    3. Noydarny80


      It was a sad event. I think Charlie Hedbo need to stop making fun of the Muslim culture through cartoons. I understand the freedom of speech but they seem to target only Muslim people.

    4. Noydarny80


      It was a sad event. I think Charlie Hedbo need to stop making fun of the Muslim culture through cartoons. I understand the freedom of speech but they seem to target only Muslim people.

  3. Reading "My sweet orange tree" and crying like a baby: one of my favourite child's books

  4. Rereading "My swee orange tree" and still crying like a baby

  5. so late: just watched "khun chai pawonruj" and love the song "ruk tae"

  6. why register if people don't want to participate? a forum is alive if people comment and talk, isn't it?
  7. back on my first love: jao sao ban rai's fever

    1. Kwan20
    2. Sreymao


      That's my favorite lakorn of Numfon.

  8. christmas meal makes me crazy, need to buy all the stuff and cook them for about 20 peoples

  9. i can't acceed my message box, it turns and that's all.
  10. rain and fog: seems ghosts are outing

  11. pervert sister uses my reader more than me: she wants another epub, i add "Taken by the team" and "Taken by the Marines" for her...

    1. Maiko


      Hah! That's cute and funny! xD Sounds like she has "good" taste! :D

  12. my new reader is here! Bf bought me a french reader. first book to read: "mr monster" by dan wells and for my sister, this pervert, "beautiful stranger"

    1. shampoo


      Hahahaha @the pervert part

  13. can you please delete this thread? i have 2 tabs open and i made a mistake. many thanks and sorry. http://www.spicyforum.net/topic/18594-uthens-song-twilights-promise-or-daybreak-promise/.
  14. bad news: my half sister is getting married next year. don't know if i can engaged. our family very strict about this

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shampoo


      In some culture, they consider siblings marrying within the same year will be bad omen. Well, why don't you do yours first? You prepared yours first, right.

    3. teptida


      no, she was engaged before (2 years) but when our moms were talking about it, suddenly they say they marry this year. her mother was my dad's mistress

    4. shampoo


      Wth they engaged for two years and suddenly want to married cuz you're getting engaged. I think that's a douche move. I think you can get engage while she gets married though.

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