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About zoe

  • Birthday 01/29/1985

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  1. zoe

    A new fan of Thai

    Thanks for introduce your youtube channal i would be your audience in future
  2. zoe

    A new fan of Thai

    Thanks for help your intriduction were a great help for me to getting closer to lakorn i might go there often to find what's new coming recently your SPICY FORUM and another SARNWORLD were both great place for lakorn fans we can find so many great files from here and of coz thanks to internet that's the main reason that we can get in touch with another place of the world i should be here usually
  3. I am a new fan of Thai entertainment ,actully ,i used to watch Dramas/Movies of western countries(such as American &Europen&Frennce,of cos,with subs all the time), and east from some countries,just like Japan,Korean,which is popular in our Chinese courty only, oh,yes,and plus a little singapoo Drama,but,only 1,ore 2 series in fact. I knew few about Thailand,and so as to there dramas of movies, before the end of 2008,i never thought that i would crash on thai things,such a strange country to me .(a person never went aboard,and maybe would naver forever ). My first thai crash,was the lakorn of TIK&Cherry,about the love of a blind billionnare (actully,i am not sure about the meanning of this words"lakorn",i know it is not Thai language,and in english ,i can't find its explain either,but as i considered,it must be a word just like romantic seris in our country or soap opera in Eur&Ameir,maybe some dramatic,romantic,seris with younth&beautyful actors ) the story is so romantic ,and TIK so handsome( ;) )of course ,Cherry is lovely too.After watch so much alike faces of Koren and Japan stars,this fresh Thai stars attact me so much.After that ,i kept to find more Thai lakorns ,as JR, SB,.......and that time , i know ,Thai entertainment has made another drama fasion in our China,and i was the later one. Even though there were much Thai fans in our China, there wasn't so much introduc place here,when we want to watch new Lakon,we just have to follow the Youtube onlinevedio or other online websites (thanks to so much thai fans from all over the world,without there upload and share,most of us wo didn't under stand Thai language would cry for misunderstanding the drama and the loved stars' febulars playing ^ ) After fall in love with Thai ,i made a strange hobbis ,that is to sufur on the Net to find more information about Thai, day and night.I was rejoicing that i knew a little english,and this language is so wide used of the world.I found somebody's blogs,they gave us a door to know further obout Thai lakorn ,and also ,i found this BBS,it seems a big fans club of Thaientertaintment (and what's the realationship of this SPICY FORUM and another BBS called SANWOLD FORM?this two webs were so familar to each other , )(i also see some familar forms that intorduced Chinese drama/movies,or some english things,but in my eyes the huge intorductions and collections of thai was most Gratitude ) i saw many of you were so sweet to upload the lakorn for other more people to share,but ,what a pity ,i just can do nothing with them,i don't even know how to do with them *awe* it is mabe a "Hi" to this place and fresh person hello to everyone.
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