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<3_Jieb last won the day on August 13 2013

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About <3_Jieb

  • Birthday 07/09/1992

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  1. Yes. Those are the only lakorns of Ying so far. Thanks for the help THIPPY
  2. [CH7 New Generation] KRATIP, ICE, NAMWAAN & YING Fanclub: http://z6.invisionfree.com/k_i_n_y_fanclub ** Eng. Forum for my top 4 fav. new actresses for CH7! I'm still working on it.
  3. <3_Jieb


    Does anyone know the URL to this site???
  4. wow. dat's interesting. SB & JLR sure are bigg hits through many nations although they aren't my favorties. -.-
  5. Naww, I tried it every two days already since last Friday. Doesn't work. ^_^ *sigh. I wish it was like you said TEPTIDA.
  6. okies, thankss guys so much! (:
  7. ohh, i see then. -.- grrrrrrrrrr. sucks like heckk! i'm so not over it, sortaa. my laptop is like my life, seriously! everything in there. all my pics, songs, dramas & etc. so much more
  8. awww, darn! this sucks so much! *sigh. i don't know what in the world caused it to happen! it was working perfectly fine!! -.- thankss though! (:
  9. Okay, I don't know wtheckk happened to my laptop! I came home and I pushed the on button and all of a sudden it doesn't turn on at all!!!!!!! I don't know what the probelm is!! It just won't turn on at all! -.- Anyone know what's wrongg? I lost everythingg, I depended on it too much!
  10. PONG FANCLUB FORUM REPLACED BY: PONG+PUENG forum!! (: http://z4.invisionfree.com/PClique/index.php?
  11. is it just me or whaat? i cannot get into SW. everytime i click go the websties take me to bouncysevers.com right away, i cannot get into SW
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