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Noydarny80 last won the day on October 10 2019

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  1. I guess there's nothing going on in Thailand entertainment. The hottest issue the break up the Nangfah and Poo Praya failed relationship. 

    1. Mai


      Poo's boyfriend is really immature.  Every time they break up he deletes all her pics and unfollows her.  He kept her pics this time but unfollowed her.  Considering how theyre not even in Thialand but their actions always tells the public if theyre together or broken up

    2. Noydarny80


      Well I think it's a normal reaction when you break up with someone; you want to get rid of their pictures and things reminded you of the person.  As for Poo's ex it was not going to work out anyway because of culture different. Poo is a half breed but she grew up in Thailand. And as a famous nangek she have to hide everything about her personal life. Too much exposed she would be label as loSe woman.  she is too much for Thai guy because she is half white and they found her too bold and flashy. But to date a white person from western culture is too much for her. 

    3. Mai


      I dont think thats a normal reaction at all.  People can be mature and wait till things cool down to start deleting pics and unfollowing each other.  It seems like Poo is the more mature one because at least this time she didnt unfollow him.  Unless she cheated on him or vice versa no need to be so bitter.  They're both adults. 

  2. Did Weir left his manager P'cho? She erased all his pictures from her IG and unfollow him too. 

    1. Sunny


      Oh, that must be a bad one lol

    2. Noydarny80


      If you look in Mario and Ken P IG you will still see for work please call P'Cho. And for Weir IG youll see For work call P'Lookbat. 

  3. I don't know if this is part of the business arrangement or not. Just saw on Weir IG, Bella and Weir were out together helping the flood victims. I guess this couple is warming up to me. 

    1. Sunny


      Maybe they are getting married soon! *lips*

    2. Noydarny80


      Marriage, any possible because they had been together since 2011-2013. 

    3. Mai


      marriage is very possible in the near future

  4. Kwan looks so better with Black hair. I hope she kept the color.

    1. Mai


      I dont like the black hair on her, makes her look a decade older.  She looks best with dark brown hair. 

  5. Wow, Poo Praya Signed with the Society Management of NYC. This model agency represent Adriana Lima, Ming Xi, Kendall Jenner and many more.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. roselovesice


      Poo suits modelng more. She has the looks and bod to model, imo.

    3. honda


      Jayda as in Jay's daughter? I thought she signed with Ford modeling agency in Cali, no?

    4. Mai


      she doesn't have the height for the runway perhaps she can do commercial modelling.

  6. Wonder if any one here run into Thai stars in California. Looking from the instagram, some of major stars are in California for vacation.

  7. Merry Christmas everyone !!! RIP George Michael!!!

    1. sunnyaucheung


      Really not feeling Christmas again this year. But Merry Christmas to you.

  8. Oh Mike is in NYC. I want to see wha He looks like in real life.

    1. NinjaKKN


      He should stay there until new year weekends so I can meet him. Hehe I'll be in Timesquare for the countdown with my friends.

    2. Noydarny80


      Nice and NYC is a small city too.

  9. Wow, finally a picture of Bella and Weir standing next to each other at her graduation. They look cute together and very comfortable with each other. But I still don't like Bella when it comes to answering questions about their relationship.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kidtueng


      That what I hate so much on her. She so B-word annoying

    3. honda


      Weir is so taken by her, there's got to be something good about her,right?

    4. Sunny


      Maybe she loves the feel of being on his motorbike hehhe

  10. Why can't I open the personal messenger? I hope whoever message me doesn't think I am ignoring them.

  11. Ugh i guess I have to deal with hurricane Matthew. Look like ill be on the worst side of it. Good luck to the people who live in the area will be affecting by this massive and slow moving hurricane.

    1. NinjaKKN


      We'll probably get a lot of rain as a result of the hurricane. But I hope Haiti will be okay.

  12. Wow channel 3 SD already remake one of Yaya Lakorn. Kularb Rai Nam but they change it name to Maya Chimpee. They changed the storyline little bit but it still the same Lakorn of Ploy and Yaya with Lome as Praek.

    1. tovsleeptov


      Wow if they really run out of idea for a fresh storyline, I'm gladly volunteer to help out.

  13. Finally Ive catch up on all James Ji's lakorns. My favorite are Padiwarada and Khun Chai series.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noydarny80


      I like him when he plays someone mature like in Khun Chai series and Padiwarada. I like him in NeungnaiSuang but he just doesn't have any chemistry with Yaya. For modern lakorn i think he needs to play mature adult role. Like I can see him play Great role in Nang eye and i think he would be good at it.

    3. Noydarny80


      I want to buy Khun Chai series DVD and Padiwarada. Padiwarada kind of help me understand Thai noble ladies who husband have a lot of wives.

    4. Sunny


      Yea his best lakorns were those two lol

  14. Wow, Weir finally uploaded he and Bella together even they were sitting apart. I guess it is getting serious because Bella admitted she had been going going out to places with Weir more. Have they been together for 4 years yet?

    1. Sunny


      When I saw that pic I thought it was Bella's IG... till I saw Weir in the corner as if he was cut and pasted in and than I looked at IG name and it was Weir! Ahh shocked hahaha

    2. Thip


      I'm excited to see if he will be attending her graduation haha. if he does, that means they are officially exclusive hahahah

    3. NinjaKKN


      Unleash the koo jin haters Lol

  15. Joey Boy is so ugly but for some reason he always manage to date beautiful women. For example the latest he has a new with new model from the Face name Gwang.

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