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Noydarny80 last won the day on October 10 2019

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    Wilmington, NC

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  1. Frustrated...people are unbelievable, they said they are here to help the poor people in the community but yet their real motives are not innocent at all. Why can't they just give and expecting nothing in return.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sunnyaucheung


      Lol Talk about frustrated.. I'm REALLy frustrated with Ch7 right now.

    3. Kizukami


      is it involved politics? then when it comes to politics, nothing is innocent lol

    4. Noydarny80


      No it have nothing to do with politic. It's a group of people come together and want to help out poor people in their community. These poor people would ask for everything example car, food, furniture items, baby clothes, adult clothes and so on. This girl, she is probably around 21 she would be begging for item all the time. I do not understand why because she is married and it's her choice she chose to be housewife and stay at home mom. So she wants to show she is not only taking f...

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