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Noydarny80 last won the day on October 10 2019

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    Wilmington, NC

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  1. So channel 7 just purchased a historical romantic series called " Thepkarn". There's four novels and the author already requests Cee as praek.lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Noydarny80


      From the author interview her books are set in the 50's or earlier because she said she doesn't want them to change the language to modern.

    3. NinjaKKN


      Thep Karn Series is different. Part 1 is the father's story, Cee can take the role of Thanchai Karn. I could careless. 555 Part 2, I want Weir as Khunchai Thom, the playboy hot-tempered nephew of Thanchai Karn. N'ek can be Min.

    4. NinjaKKN


      As for part 3, I want Milly and Nikki as the twin daughters of Thanchai Karn. Milly's p'ek can be Michael and Nikki's p'ek can be Mek. Lastly, Thanwa as Khunchai Petch in part 4 since he looks like he can be Milly and Nikki’s older brother. And n'ek can be Kat.

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