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ASH30 last won the day on February 9 2017

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  1. I have never taken so many pain medication than I am now because of the pain from my gum. I remember having C-section for my kids I didn't even take it afterward...but with this dental work I am taking it 4 weeks straight. I hope I am not addicted to it...but darn it, the pain is just horrible :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Noydarny80


      oh my goodness I hope you feel better. I will tell nothing worst then kidney stone pain. Even the morphine wouldn't take the pain away.

    3. ASH30


      I heard that was bad. I have interstitial cystitis and at one point I felt like I have a kidney stone. I was about to cry.

    4. Mai


      I hear the same thing Noy, that not even child birth is as painful as having kidney stones

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