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ASH30 last won the day on February 9 2017

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  1. Just got back from Hawaii...it kind of remind me of Florida and San Diego combined. The Lu Au was amazing though and weather was perfect but it's not unique. We stayed at Disney resort and it was a neat place. But I still love Bali more.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ASH30


      That's where we are going to spend most of our time at PP lol..lots of people say traffic sucks there. We will visit Angkor Wat a few days. I'm going to hate the flight though too long and the hour changes are going to suck lol. My body just doesn't take to the changes well. Even with Hawaii just 5 hours difference was bad already.

    3. tovsleeptov


      If you r going to Kompong Som, koh rong samloem is a must see. It's beautiful and the water is perfect!!

    4. Sreymao


      I'll probably stay in battambong most of the time since all parents families live there. I'll visit Angkor wat for sure.

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