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pam last won the day on April 30 2016

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About pam

  • Birthday 03/29/1977

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  1. Anyone interested in atomy products? They are online Korean products

    1. Sunny


      I've never heard of them, I mostly just use Korean masks and make up but not really for skin care.

    2. pam


      Check out atomy-USA.com or search them up in YouTube, they have health and beauty products

  2. I heard 4 Po Dum is coming to the states? Hope it's true, definitely will not miss them!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pam


      Not sure what date for LA yet, but Chicago is March 31st

    3. xiong123


      Dallas is April 2

      L.A. Is April 3

    4. Sunny


      awww wish they come to Melbourne!

  3. pam


    I hope all these sites don't go down, def be bored w/o my Thai lakorns lol. I have obizgo to fall on too n my account for iptv ain't up till the end of aug too.
  4. it's very pretty Chrissy!! Great job, yeah that language thing pop up on me lol
  5. pam


    I think it's dootv.tv, I think I'll be watching theirs too
  6. pam


    my obizgo expires some time this month and iptv expires I think in july, probably won't be renewing either lol try to get those free ones for a couple of days first till I renew one.
  7. pam


    guess ch 7 is getting strict, obizgo had that new semi live thing and ch 7 live is also not there
  8. thanks girls, I finally just shut everything down, my comp and my internet router, now it's working fine.
  9. can anyone get into obizgo?? I don't know if it's the web or not or my comp, yesterday I can get into it from work, but this is the second day at home that I can't get into it....pissing me off!!!!
  10. I always use expedia or priceline, priceline always include the tax too. I need to be looking for a flight to go to LA soon too!!
  11. oh wow, new web to look into!! Thanks for the link ka!!
  12. I'm going to have to do a system restoration to the manufacturing defaults Last night my laptop kept on shutting off to the point where I was going to throw it out the window *gfa* So, when I go home, I'm going to have to make a copy of most of the stuff I have in there
  13. pam


    had no problems either!!
  14. I keep on bugging it with my friend at work, now he's going to really look at.
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