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passionalee last won the day on December 21

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    Goblin. Kimsamsoon. LCS.

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  1. A Love So Beautiful; a Chinese series, I did end up watching and enjoying. Very much. The male lead is such a cutie. And the female lead is a cutie too. My only complaint is that the 2nd male lead should’ve had his own happiness and end up w someone but [ spoiler alert ] he didn’t instead he continued to just love nek from afar but he was happy none the less. Lol 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. passionalee


      Boys!!!!!* Omfg ahhahahaahhaahaha 

    3. Sreymao


      Right lol he's tall but skinny *hehe*. Still a babe :t4529:I'm watching him in MY roommate is a detective.  Omg. His character is so much different from Jaingchen. I can't believe he pull it off. It's hilarious. Not really my cup of tea drama but i watch for the 2 male leads :omoomo:

    4. passionalee


      Man the thing w me is once I ship then w a certain someone I only like them w those ppl or w another ppl I've seen n like ahahahahahah 

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