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Everything posted by passionalee

  1. Again it happens to me lol way too often now >_< wonder if he virus enter my phone I gotta wait at least t2-3 year to come back to the forum so like now I'm able to post and make comment when I leave and come back it'll show the above pic I post and then I'll have to wait a few hours to have it clear ..... is it really just me?:(
  2. Well I'm back on it finally lol man I didn't know it was hay much difficulty to maintain a site! Dam buggers trying to come in smh
  3. Yes! Last night I couldn't log in and it kept referring me to the site above I posted lol
  4. Yeah I got the site again three hours ago and I guess it went away so now I'm back on spicy again. I hope the V didn't spread to my iPhone >_<
  5. Was the forum under attack recently? I kept getting these virus warning and hen routed me to something else i SC a pic of it lol @Mai @Sunny
  6. #goblinfeverstill

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sunny


      Nope hahah I'm holding on for as long as possible

    3. passionalee


      Girl that's like torture too no? LOLĀ 

    4. Sunny


      Not really, to think when I'm super bored I can watch this hahaha lately I've not been super bored yet.

  7. Oh man! Girl don't loose the forum Now lol it would be really sad :( I think I've encountered this issue before too where it wasn't aol but another issue /: dam viruses Oh pls pin jeab and push club Friday TBO na lol
  8. The past two days I kept hitting the home button to spicy and it kept routing me to AOL. Did anyone had this prob? It's fix now that's why I'm able to post here lol
  9. Aww phooey! Lol. Is anyone else facing this difficulty tho? Lol update to the new one pls lol
  10. @sunny ja I know I emailed u regarding an email to a user on here but I can't even open my inbox. It just keeps on spinning that loading sign :( any reason why it's doing that? In sure my inbox isn't full cud I don't email anyone but that user and if I recall right it might just be four times lol sorry if I'm bugging u on this thread wrongly >_< lmk thanks ^_^
  11. Question , what does it mean when a member / even an admin can not receive anymore new messages? Am I blocked lmao

    1. Sunny


      Maybe your msg is full and you need to delete some.

  12. I never knew we now have status updates! Lol so many changes and diff members now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kimix
    3. Mai


      Yea its been a while lol

    4. passionalee


      Lmao well I was gone for almost ten years hehe @sunny @mai @kmix makes me really miss spicy lol

  13. i just notuice PP form goes thru alot of changes N URLs lol xD gahh thank goodnesss ppl update i get so lost xD thank uu
  14. aww nso dis is da site everyone be waitin` for?? keke thnks ja if it just started dey prolly still b puttin` stuff up & 2gtha ^^
  15. aww it's not badd ja^^ i like da color keke & i like how it looks small & tiny keke its cutee^^
  16. like i said b4 keke since i`ve grown fond of purple dis is nice not bad in the eye too keke
  17. aww kwell! now i can help RIP some of my frens dvds for her keke
  18. aww it does work? hmm so how do u REALLI use it thne? lol i dun see the icons no more >.<
  19. see that`s how i saw it too lastnite so i was xcited n click on window media thinkin` it work but it dint lol
  20. lice interview wid daras? ahaha jk aww kit all sound soo kwel gosh shuld be thnkful if it works around thnksgivin` keke
  21. yeah fool me lol one day i`ll realli listen from spicy kekee
  22. ahsha my bad hey if it makes u feel anybetter like i said i thot i was listenin` sumtin` from spicy too ahha
  23. yeah it was my own window media lol i turn it off or at leat i thot i did but yeah keke
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