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KhoOnxNouxWanxJai last won the day on October 27 2018

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About KhoOnxNouxWanxJai

  • Birthday 07/27/1987

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    In Some Lucky Guys Heart *Winks*
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    writing, music, friends, net, chat, forums, shopping, lakorns, reading... yea yeah I have no life

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  1. So channel 7 actually finds a way to contact your ISP if you upload/share their content? Eek. A friend of mines got a notice from her ISP and browser was disabled til she agreed not to share content again. It was channel 7 because on the warning it listed stuff that was alleged part of the report. It was channel 7 stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NinjaKKN


      The Copyright Alert System (CAS) only targets P2P sharing sites aka torrents where copyright holders can track your IP address and info if you're sharing their stuffs. IPS that participate in CAS and will send you alerts are AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Verizon, and Time Warner Cable. I've never received any warning because my IPS doesn't participate in this.

    3. KhoOnxNouxWanxJai


      Ninja I thought that too, but she saidon her browser it listed files that were the "alleged" infringements. She doesn't know how to use P2P programs like torrents that was one reason I thought it was weird as well.

    4. NinjaKKN


      Something doesn't sound right. If she doesn't use those programs and it's not possible for Ch7 to know about her. It seems like someone has been tracking your friend's online activity.

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