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Everything posted by m3lhouse

  1. What Is Taya Rogers doing at the Emmys...in that dress.?!?! Yikes

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. nok


      her dress was more of a lingerie type dress. i thinks more of an after party one than the event itself.

    3. Noydarny80


      I felt like her dress is missing a piece. Unless she is going back to the 90s during the street fighter or mortal combat day.

    4. nanthao


      i liked it. lol.

  2. Deadpool and By the Sea trailer... so HYPED

  3. Gubgip and Bie are a cute ass couple!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. m3lhouse


      They're basically the guy and girl version of each other

    3. vmnew


      So true M3l. So true. But why is posting pics with heartbreak messages on her IG today? Love that she posts in English.

    4. shampoo


      They're too public with their relationship and it makes me question their intention. Lol

  4. Clown of the day: Nicky "10 inch" apologizes for trying to hit on Aump ahahahhaha https://instagram.com/p/5EQJvwNYH9/

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. sunnyaucheung


      He has the nerve to hit on a friend of his ex. Lol He's such a loser.

    3. Kimix



    4. tEaRdRoP


      I watch an interview w/him on P'Boom's show...he said he use to be 10-inch..now he's 9-inch. Iwas like WTF LOLS. But the guy's crazy and scary. I kept on laughing at the look P'Boom would do when he would answer her questions.

  5. out of all the lakorns to re-run, why did i choose Rahut Torachon???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thip


      LOL I think I liked Ken & Chom too much that I overlooked the flaws hahah

    3. m3lhouse


      Watch it again now... I was cringing... Mostly due to the production. The music was the worst part.

    4. xiong123


      I'm going to watch Raeng Pradtanah again

  6. As a non nerd, Avengers: Age of Ultron was good...

  7. Mario is team Pacquiao ... Of course ahhaha

  8. Mario is just too handsome for the military ahahha

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fresh
    3. janaaa_


      Why isn't he going? Did he make some kind of excuse? Lol.

    4. kremepie


      he pulled out the black card, which means he doesn't have to go; lucky for him!

  9. Really want to see Fast and Furious 7!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. m3lhouse


      Oh I will... But I wanna avoid the crowds so I'll wait after the weekend... But I've always loved this franchise!

    3. m3lhouse


      Oh I will... But I wanna avoid the crowds so I'll wait after the weekend... But I've always loved this franchise!

    4. Sreymao


      It had been a busy week for me but I'll wait till weekend to watch it. Love the cast too

  10. Taya has been auditioning a lot with Disney... I hear they're gonna do a live action Mulan.... Iitll be cool if she finally goes "inter" mainstream but it's kinda a stretch hahahah she don't look Chinese ahhahaha

    1. xiong123


      Disney movies or Disney shows ? If Disney shows, they have the stupidest shows on there now. The old shows use to be better.

    2. Sreymao


      I second that on Disney shows.. I would love to watch there shows nowadays I can't stand one show but I do like girls meet world lol. .

    3. Noydarny80


      Maybe they will have a way to make her look more Asian. The last project I saw of her was a Tv like 7 years ago called "Without a Trace"

  11. Nadech and Yaya's new lakorn reveal has got me on suicide watch!! (Ugly crying) oh well

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. funthoughts101


      I must be the odd ball who enjoyed TNNKK. Well I have a love-hate relationship. Boring most of the time but I actually liked it better than GRGR and RS. DJA still holds no1 Yarry lakorn. Since then Ch3 has been taking advantage of them putting them in crappy lakorn.

    3. Bet


      fun, I am with u too. I like TNNKK. As long as yarry in it, I am more than happy. Lol

    4. catchingupwithlakorns


      I'm with you on TNNKK. I loved it and watched every second of it!I'm into country style and I thought the script and lessons taught were very meaningful although at times I wish Nadech's character was not too good lol

      I do agree it's too early for a reunion.

  12. Polycat- พบกันใหม่ is not available for US itunes :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. m3lhouse


      Like my address? Coz I switched it to Thailand and it still didn't let me... Would've been sweet since it would've cost 54 cents!

    3. xiong123


      Go to google and find an address from Thailand

    4. m3lhouse


      Hmmm lemme think about that hahaha thanks!

  13. Min's cover of Image will make headlines in 5...4...3... Ahhahaha

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. m3lhouse


      I think she's trying to bait bikini shoots though ahhaha obviously she's old enough to wear a bikini and it's 2015 but look at all of her friends even bf are covered up but she's the one in bikini... I think she knew what she was doing ahhaha

    3. NinjaKKN


      Min looks great and there's no backlash for her. People say she has matured. And many people at pantip complimented that IMAGE did a good job photoshopping her bra out because her skin blended really well.

    4. Noydarny80


      Oh I haven't see Min yet. I need to go look it up. I agreed with Min, she wouldn't look good in bikini. She is too cute but not sexy like some other stars

  14. Just had 2 honeymoon oysters, I'm d e a d and d o n e !!

  15. Excited for no gluttonous shame today, but I'm in charge of mash potatoes so off to peeling a whole sack I go! Happy Thanks!, ya'll!

    1. Noydarny80


      Happy Gobble Gobble Day to you.

    2. sunnyaucheung


      Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy it and eat up.

  16. Chompoo is so good as Pui Ponthip @ ploychava's 90s theme bday!

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