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Mai last won the day on November 10 2019

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  1. Praew magazine publicly came out and defended JJ on allegations that he's problematic and hard to work with....I guess he is still beloved after all.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mai


      legit they released a long statement defending him saying he's devoted and a hard worker. They're like we dont care what other people say or write, but we love James na. They said it bothered them to see people wrongly gossip about James

    3. Babiime_


      saw it on pantip, and there is also B'jaew who came out and said that the one that is taking care of JJ might make things harder for JJ. Since JJ is doing what he been told to do.. But if the news about him not being problematic and hard to work with then it's a good thing that praew defended him

    4. NinjaKKN


      In the eyes of admirers their favorites can do no wrong. Lol

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