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Mai last won the day on November 10 2019

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  1. Is it me or does Chompoo Araya try too hard to look fashionable and it always come off as fashionably awkward?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. soyrice


      Only really see her in events clothing so dunno, but Noons fashion suck too. A big bow headband for her anniversary like how old is she 10?

    3. thailakorn123


      yeah she pick pieces that are very different probably trying to stand out, but I find it funny looking or just doesn't go. Like I think she had on this one white dress with an oversize poof shoulder selves, or something. It looked wired.

    4. Sunny


      When I saw her she had one weird fashion and a hat? like wth? why do you wear a hat if you going to be taking pics with fans? people can't see you if they are not within reaching distance. Its lame.

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