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Everything posted by Mai

  1. Mai


    whoa really? I should do a scan on my computer lol
  2. Mai


    i've been getting logged into the 1 and the 2 and HQ is both there for me
  3. Mai


    yeah I wont bother streaming HQ anymore, it just takes up bandwidth and time, and the quality is just as poor lol
  4. Mai


    and you know what's odd, the HQ version makes everything look more narrow. Like I did caps for PPF and Sammie, Oil and Yui had thinner and skinnier faces
  5. Mai


    yeah there is a slight difference with that lakorn, with PPF, the other versions are better than the HQ lol
  6. Mai


    ok there's 4 ways you can stream a drama on iptv... 1. you can stream it on the main page on iptv under ch 7, ch 5, ch 3 etc etc 2. you can stream it hours after it goes on air in thailand on the main page "iptv drama" aka "lakorn thai" this is the full version of a lakorn as it's airing on lakorn thai without the commercials 3. then for any lakorn you can pick HQ version 700 - 800 mps a prime time lakorn streamed would end up with the file 420mb - 450 mb 4. normal quality which is at 200-300mps a full prime time lakorn is 160 - 180 mb what I was saying was I've been doing the option three, in hopes of getting a higher quality picture, but I tried all 4 versions, and HQ is no different, option 1 and 2 is actually better picture quality. There use to be a huge difference in HQ vs any of the other versions, now it's the worse even though it it's a file that is well over 400mb
  7. Mai


    well HQ has been working for me the entire time, including yesterday when I streamed PPF. That's why I put up those caps lol. I was complaining about how they removed it, cause I dont think they did. It's just their HQ version of their files is not HQ as it use to be. the HQ is just the same as watching it when it airs on iptv drama. iptv drama is about the same quality as the low quality version.
  8. Mai


    ^_^ it's always been there, but the quality is no good lol. I think I said this in my previous posts lol. I've been watching PPF HQ version, but the quality is poorer than the iptv drama version, which is only streaming at 256mps but still better
  9. Mai


    isnt there another site besides iptv that has better quality wtih HQ option? oh yeah any way to put logos on files and not lose too much of the quality? windows media use to be much better quality, now the minute you put it into windows maker even set at highest quality it's no good
  10. Mai


    is avi better quality?
  11. Mai


    there use to be a huge difference btween the HQ and low quality version, now there's no difference that I can see visible lol. The bandwidth would be the same, cause it's still around 430-450mb for prime time lakorns. Maybe they're using a different converter for convert their files
  12. Mai


    they're probably getting it off their tv? I'm not sure but right now I'm watching PPF HQ version and it's not even comparable to iptv drama live, iptv drama is better quality lol
  13. Mai


    doesnt seem like their HQ version is any better than the regular version nways now lol. I was just talking about that in the PPF thread lol
  14. Mai


    I think it should be fine now
  15. Mai


    so it's good now? no more virus messages?
  16. Mai


    it shouldnt take more than 10 minutes. So once you do it, it should bring you back to the period before the virus.
  17. Mai


    Do a restore like I told you last time. That's usually how I fix when I get a virus message lol do you not have anti-virus software?
  18. Mai


    awww I see. most places dont let you customize. Everything has to bought as a set
  19. Mai


    i use record wmr using the netscape browser, and now it doesnt record anything HQ on iptv. I have to use another browser
  20. Mai


    is iptv working for anyone? it's loading so slowly
  21. All the threads that have an invalid url to the advertised forum or webbie has been deleted. You may start a new thread to provide a valid url link
  22. well what you have to installed in the past days? cant you reinstall it?
  23. it's nothing na, trust me lol
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