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Kidtueng last won the day on January 17 2016

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    Weir S.

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  1. If u and ur bf live in different state, one day someone tell u that ur bf is sleep with someone . My sis ask me this how do u feel about this ? And who would u believe? Idk what tell her lol. How about u if u meet like this?

    1. shampoo


      This would be a hard question. I think I would talk to him and if he denies then talk to soe,one who knows him. Sometimes, you have tot take it with a grain of salt. Hard to have long distance relationship with trust issue.

    2. AT2005


      Is your source reliable? (meaning is the person telling you trustworthy and does this person has reason to hurt you?) If not, then I wouldn't worry too much. But if the source is reliable, I would confront the bf. Plus, talking it out is much better than keeping it in and always wondering/questioning..paranoia will do you know good long term.

    3. Kidtueng


      If The person who tell my sis is was the one she tell us maybe she has reason hurt her. But if not than I do not. I didn't ask who tell her

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