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Kidtueng last won the day on January 17 2016

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  1. Anyone see the news of a gorilla and a 4 years old boy? They say the gorilla was just try to help the boy, I don't know it help or what,I'm know I scary of it. Is the gorilla help him?

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    2. Mai


      People were throwing things at the gorilla too, so was it trying to protect the kid or agitated at the kid? I dont know I need to see the video coverage to judge. I think the mother should be thrown in jail for child neglect though

    3. Kidtueng


      Everyone say the gorilla just help the kid but what I see from the clip I don't feel it. It's the mother fault too for not take good care of her child, so the gorilla has to lost his life. Why don't they just shoot him for fall sleep like they did in the movie ? If they don't want to kill the gorilla

    4. KhoOnxNouxWanxJai


      A tranquilizer on a 400 lb gorilla could take upwards 10 minutes more to work. By then he could have killed the kid even not intentionally. He could have slapped the kid once and it would be done. Gorilla's are powerful animals. It is very unfortunate that Harambe had to be killed, but the zookeepers work with him everyday. They know his behavior more than the general public.

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