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Kidtueng last won the day on January 17 2016

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    Weir S.

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  1. Fan post happy weir and Kim met,lol didn't know fan waiting for them met too. Watching the interview, channel ask for adding more epi for the Lakorn when this is not not air. Great, this is meant the Lakorn is good if not wouldnt get to add more when they just check the edit

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. m3lhouse


      Ae's been giving Kim lots of work... Kinda awkward when mark left him.... Weir did seem like he had a crush on Kim when he named her as someone he'd like to hug or something.

    3. Pikachu


      aww. They look really good, I hope they get more work together

    4. Noydarny80


      Oh so Kim left Yayee Marin? I checked her IG Yayeemarin and it private now. I wonder if it have anything to do with Kim.

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