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Sreymao last won the day on February 13

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About Sreymao

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. . My oldest is starting high school this fall*fts*. My baby. :tearpls:

    1. Sunny


      omg how we got so old! *bellow*

    2. Sreymao


      Seems like yesterday I announced his pregnancy to my SPICY familia and now he's starting HS and my youngest is entering middle school.  How time flies.  :tearpls:

    3. Sunny


      Ahh and I haven't even found a husband! Haha you're lucky soon they'll be an adult and make you proud!

  2. Been binge watching alot of Chinese series lately.  General lady is my favorite costume drama for this year. I highly recommend it. And a few other modern lol I totally forgot about Thai series lol the latest was Sowayree haha..

    1. Sunny


      I know the feeling it happened to me a couple of years ago haha

  3. Pray for Minnesota.  

    1. Sunny


      What's happening? Praying for you. The world right now needs so much love.

    2. Sreymao


      Thanks @Sunny Google .."George Floyd protest across the nation".  It all started in Minnesota  .I'm praying Minnesotan sleep Well tonight after what going on the past few days. Justice need to be serve but protest like this is Savages. Minnesota is burning as we know it. I've seen stuff like this in movies or another cities but this is close to home.  My home, the places I grew up in. Enough is enough.  #justiceforFloyd 

  4. Happy songkran everyone! 

  5. Any Khmer peeps here.  Please help support, like and share this mv. My friend voice is amazing 


    1. Sunny


      I dont understand any words but I can hear that her voice is indeed really good!

  6. Soo cold in Minnesota.  -60 windchill burr... I'm working from home all week.  School are close, almost every business close early.  .its that bad.  

    1. Sunny


      I saw in the news, they say some parts are colder than Antarctica ! Stay safe and keep warm.

    2. Sreymao


      Thanks @Sunny . True about colder then Antarctica. My car won't start. Skin exposed for a bit you can get frostbite.  I live here all my life.  This is the worst lol 

  7. Happy new year 2019!! 

    1. Sunny


      Happy New Year to you too *kisses*

  8. Veteran actor Oh warot pass away. My condolences.  I grew up watching him. The first  Kobori 

    1. Sunny


      Oh no, isn't he still young? That's shocking. Condolences to his family.

    2. Sreymao


      I believe he's 49. Still young.  Yea its shock the whole  thai entertainment.

  9. I really adore Cindy Sirinya. Lately i been following her #don't tell me how to dress. What's everyone opinion on this issues. See few celeb comments on this.#WOMANRIGHTS

    1. Sunny


      She's really cool. Have you seen her on Golf's English room?


  10. Happy mother's Day!! 

    1. Sunny


      Happy Mother's Day, I'm not in that position yet .. again haha

    2. Sreymao


      ??? @sunny. Don't worry.  When you are ready don't forget to tell us the good news.  My mothers day card.  My son loves that I'm lazy LMAO???.  

    3. Sunny


      LOL maybe when Spicy turn 20 years old I'll still be looking for a BF :o
      Thats so sweet, he made you a card!

  11. Downtown Minneapolis is CRAZY with all kind of SB events happening.I wanna run into JT though ??? or the gorgeous Taylor Hill and Gisele ??.  

    1. phanit92


      Before Love is a perfect . Now Money wins all barrier everything in her mind. No money No honey.

  12. Happy birthday America!! Have fun and be safe my fellow Spicy members. 

    1. Mai


      Dont party too hard Americans!  lol

  13. I never like clowns. If I ever see you I'm gonna run you over,if you aren't down I'm backing up and running you over again till you are down. Word.

    1. honda


      Because of the whole clown craziness, we opt out of Halloween this year :(

    2. NinjaKKN


      I absolutely cannot be near clowns.

  14. Sat. Night. No kids for the weekend. Watching nangbarb with my sister. Been 10 years. Benz ghost is scary afloat lol

  15. Ch3 blocked their lakorn. I'm waiting to watch Naree rissaya. That's bS.

    1. xiong123


      What do you mean blocked? I can still watch the Lakorns. Ch3 didn't block the videos for Naree rissaya.....they just made it private. They're probably going to re-upload it soon.

    2. Sreymao


      Thanks. I hope so. Why all sudden make it private?

    3. Sunny


      Oooh really? No wonder I haven't got any new videos from Ch3!

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