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NinjaKKN last won the day on November 7 2017

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  1. Thailand Best Daddy Mike still hasn't signed the paperwork as Max's daddy. All that flaunting of his love for his baby is just for publicity then. Dude has no shame! His fans said everyone has a reason for their action and he probably didn't have the time to do so since he's so busy. LMAO What reason is good enough for a baby to be legally fatherless? Mike probably doesn't want Max to get any penny from him in the future. Selfish dad and no responsibility whatsoever. #...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. nanthao


      i saw the show w the housewives (ning, woonsen, jmam and etc) where sarah went on. she describe how was home alone and had to take a taxi to the hospital to give birth. shes a strong lady.

    3. sheng


      I don't know what is the hype about this dude.

    4. honda


      Mike and his family are douche bags. I hope Sarah puts everything out there so the delusional fans see him for what he really is.

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